Category Archives: Early Enrichment



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Research to find out more about the parts of a plant

1. Watch this video

2. Study the parts of a plant at this site- kids growing strong

Show What You’ve Learned

You are a botanist who has just discovered a new type of plant. As every good scientist does, you will document your exciting finding. Design a fact sheet highlighting your new plant discovery. Be sure to include the following key pieces of information:

• your plant’s name
• your plant’s basic needs
• your plant’s parts
• where your plant lives
• a colored illustration of your plant in its natural habitat

Your fact sheet might have text features like labels, captions, maps, bold words, subheadings, and more.

lesson idea adapted from

Snapple Facts

Light_Bulb_1 Did you Know?  The Empire State Building has 73 elevators.

If you’ve ever drank a Snapple before, you know an interesting fact is printed under the lid.  There are over 1,000 facts, but you don’t have to drink 1,000 Snapples to read them all!   Just head to the Snapple website and explore the facts for yourself! 

Use Haiku Deck, Pic Collage, or another app to display your favorite Snapple facts.  Dig a little deeper by checking out resources (books, databases, internet, etc.) to find more information about your fact.

A Redefinition of Gardens

Mary Mary Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?garden

#17 Wonder of the Day: Can You Garden in the City?

Do you have a garden?  What is the most unique thing you’ve grown in a garden?  Maybe you’re thinking you’d like to have a garden, but you don’t have the yard space or know how to get started.  Well this is the Wonder for you!

Springtime is a great time to start planting a garden and this Wonderopolis Wonder talks about many things related to gardening!

  • Watch the short video at the beginning
  • Read the Wonder (or have it read to you)
  • Complete the Did You Get It? at the end
  • Leave a comment and let us know something new you learned.  You could also tell us about your own garden if you have one, or tell us what you’d like to plant if you could start a garden.  When leaving a comment, use your first name only.  Include your grade and school (i.e. Trevor, 3, Sunset)

Welcome To Early Enrichment!

These posts are intended for our early learners in the primary grades (K-3), however older students might find the topics interesting and are welcome to participate.  Each week, we will post a learning opportunity (video, app on the iPad, article, writing prompt, etc.) for students to complete individually or in a small group setting.  Students may choose to do any/all of the activities listed.

Week of April 20th Learning Opportunity

BrainPop Jr. Movie of the Week is a free app on the iPad.  This week’s movie is perfect for Earth Day-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Did you learn something new?  Leave a comment and let us know!  When leaving a comment, use your first name only.  If you make a poster, give it to your teacher and have him/her give it to the EY Coordinator at your building.  We may post your picture on our Student Showcase Wiki!