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Exploring “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

Read the poem below. Think about the meaning, then listen to several others read the poem. Notice the differences in the way it is read. Take notes on your observations.

The Road Not Taken

by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Click on these links to listen to others read the poem:


After watching the videos, think about the meaning of the poem.  What do you think Robert Frost was trying to say to the audience?  What themes do you hear running through the poem?  Record yourself reading the poem on your iPad using the Voice Recorder app.  After you have read the poem, summarize what you think he meant.  You may want to write yourself a script to read with your response to the poem.

PKI STEM Seminar

Thank you for your interest in the STEM seminar.  

On Friday, September 5, fourteen students visited the Peter Kiewit Institute for a UNO/UNL College Visit Day.  In order to qualify for this seminar, students completed an online STEM-related activity.  Over 60 students completed the activity which tells us there was a high interest in this area.  We are looking into providing another opportunity in the future.

View Tweets from the seminar at:

Zacarro Math

The Zacarro units are perfect math anchors for the Envision Math topics.  Each Zacarro unit has teaching pages that will instruct the skill.  There are also leveled practice problems.  You can assign the levels that fit the child and/or the student can always choose
to do a harder level if he/she would like.  You can use the Zacarro Math units in the following ways:

  • Students can work on them when they are done with the classroom assignment
  • They could be used as a station in guided math
  • They could serve as lessons for the highest group when working with the teacher

There should be one Zacarro binder in grades 4, 5, and 6 at each elementary school.  If you are unable to locate the binder, please contact your EY coordinator.

4th Grade Envision Math topic alignment to Zacarro units

5th Grade Envision Math topic alignment to Zacarro units

6th Grade Envision Math topic alignment to Zacarro units


2014-15 Geography Bee

During the week of November 10, 4th through 6th grade teachers will administer the qualifying geography bee test in the classroom.  The top 10-14 students will compete in a school geography bee which will be run a little different this year.

On Tuesday, December 9, Hillside, Westbrook, Swanson, Loveland, and Sunset will have their geography bees at Underwood Hills on 90th and Western.

On Friday, December 12, Westgate, Paddock Road, Oakdale, Rockbrook, and Prairie Lane will have their geography bees at the Community Conference Center (CCC) on 108th and Grover.

School vehicles will be used to transport the students to Underwood Hills and the CCC where they will compete in the geography bee.  Parents and family are welcome to attend.

Below is the tentative schedule for each day.

December 9 at Underwood Hills

  • Hillside 9:15-10:15
  • Westbrook 10:30-11:30
  • Swanson 11:45-12:45
  • Loveland 1:00-2:00
  • Sunset 2:15-3:15

December 12 at CCC

  • Westgate 9:15-10:15
  • Paddock 10:30-11:30
  • Oakdale 11:45-12:45
  • Rockbrook 1:00-2:00
  • Prairie Lane 2:15-3:15

2014 Spelling Bee

During the week of October 6, 4th through 6th grade teachers will administer the qualifying spelling test in the classroom.  The top 10-14 students will compete in a school spelling bee which will be run a little different this year.

On Tuesday, October 21, Hillside, Westbrook, Swanson, Loveland, and Sunset will have their spelling bees at Underwood Hills on 90th and Western.

On Thursday, October 23, Westgate, Paddock Road, Oakdale, Rockbrook, and Prairie Lane will have their spelling bees at the Community Conference Center (CCC) on 108th and Grover.

School vehicles will be used to transport the students to Underwood Hills and the CCC where they will compete in the spelling bee.  Parents and family are welcome to attend.

Below is the tentative schedule for each day.

October 21 at Underwood Hills

  • Hillside 9:15-10:15
  • Westbrook 10:30-11:30
  • Swanson 11:45-12:45
  • Loveland 1:00-2:00
  • Sunset 2:15-3:15

October 23 at CCC

  • Westgate 9:15-10:15
  • Paddock 10:30-11:30
  • Oakdale 11:45-12:45
  • Rockbrook 1:00-2:00
  • Prairie Lane 2:15-3:15

The End Is Here!

Wow, it’s hard to believe that the last day of the 2013-14 school year has come and gone!  We wrapped up the year with independent projects in order to dig deeper into our own interest areas.   There were projects completed on the history of favorite gaming systems, nuclear reactors, basketball, robotics, the Holocaust, and more.  We learned so much from each other and possibly found new interests for ourselves in the process!

The Oakdale 6th graders took “trips” to many different corners of the world and brought a piece or two back into the classroom to share.  We had a presentation day that included a world feast.  The food was delicious and such a great way to experience a new culture!  They encouraged us all to add a few new destinations to our bucket lists!  🙂

photo 01                                    photo

It has been a great year full of new and exciting learning adventures!  I am so grateful for the opportunity to have worked with such talented individuals this year!  We are all learners in this process and I hope you all learned as much from me as I did from you!

Congratulations to all of the 6th graders on the close of one chapter in your lives and the amazing opportunities that await!  I am glad I was able to be a small part of your journey!

Enjoy your summer and always be on a mission to actualize your talents!

~Mrs. Skaggs



Loveland Peabody and Sherman Creations! Take 2

The students created short scripts about a historical event, person or landmark.  They researched their topic for facts that they embedded within their story.  We also learned about puns and the mechanics of script writing.  (Thanks to Reese’s mother for sharing her knowledge with us!)  We also learned about writing puns and the different types of puns.  Please enjoy the following short videos!


Will, Oliver & T.J.

Maren & Mara


Laila & Chiharu


Hayden & Ellie


Zach & Braeden



Kenan & Korbin


Paul & Isaac

More Loveland Peabody and Sherman Videos

Loveland Peabody and Sherman Creations! Take 1

The students created short scripts about a historical event, person or landmark.  They researched their topic for facts that they embedded within their story.  We also learned about puns and the mechanics of script writing.  (Thanks to Reese’s mother for sharing her knowledge with us!)  We also learned about writing puns and the different types of puns.  Please enjoy the following short videos!


Erin, Zola & Claire


Avery, Jude & Luke


John & Abe

Braylon & Jack

Eleanor, Abby & Isabella


Max & Judah


Victoria, Bella & Katie


Ryan & Harrison

More Loveland Peabody and Sherman Videos