Wow! Where has the time gone? I’m sorry I haven’t posted in awhile…we’ve been busy finishing a couple different projects while also finishing our strategy booklet. Drawing a picture is an effective strategy for all sorts of problems. We found that after drawing a picture, other patterns surfaced like patterns and organized lists. When have you used the strategy of drawing a picture to solve a problem? Let us know by leaving a comment!
Students have been working on Wordly Wise for vocabulary development. Have you noticed them using any of the words in conversation? Students created vocabulary videos using Explain Everything (app on the iPad) or Keynote. Here are a couple different videos:
Students also created math problems. Some used Explain Everything and others used Keynote. We are sharing our problems with some students in Wisconsin using Google Drive and they will be providing problems for us to solve. Can you solve these problems?
I’m hoping to make it to most of the conferences scheduled for this week, but I may not make it to all of them. If I don’t make it to your child’s conference, I will call you and we can either have a phone conference or schedule another time to meet.
I’ve had such a great time working with your children 1st quarter. Our 2nd quarter concept will be communication and we will be spending some time on literary devices and writing while continuing our vocabulary development with Wordly Wise. We will also start Math Olympiads in November. Stay tuned for more information!
Have a great week!