Are you an enthusiastic reader who likes to read current event articles from a variety of sources? Check out…………DOGO NEWS!

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #46: CALLING ALL READERS

2. DOGO NEWS consists of daily news sites and includes text, photos, graphics, and audio and/or video materials prepared about current events, social studies science, and more! The main topics are at the top of the page.

3. Go to DOGO News and explore. Pick out 3 articles to read and complete step 4 for each one

4. For each article you choose to read follow these steps.

  • Put the name of the article on your recording sheet.
  • Record several of the bolded words from the article.
  • If there are videos included on the page, watch at least 1 and write one sentence about it
  • If there are maps, graphs, or infographics take the time to look at them and write one sentence about each one.
  • Summarize the article and type a question you have after reading the article

4. Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.



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