#62: Literary Device Lesson-Simile

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #62: Literary Device Lesson-Simile

2. What is a Simile? The official definition of a simile is a noun that means: “a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid.”

3. Watch this word girl video.

3. Look at the Simile list below. Come up with a scenario for each one and write it on your recording page.

Example: as sly as a fox

Hillary was (whisper as sly as a fox) , as she to gingerly placed the fruit bat into her backpack.

  • Easy as ABC
  • Like two peas in a pod
  • Straight as an arrow
  • Wise as an owl

6.  Watch and listen to the book, “My Dog Is As Smelly As Dirty Socks”.


7. Write a “Simile Me”.

  • First, jot down five words you would use to describe yourself.
  • Use your five words and make comparisons to something else, writing your own version of a “Simile Me”

Here is my example:

1 – busy                                                                                                                                 

2 – creative

3 – hardworking

4 – happy

5 – sleepy

I’m as busy as a timer,

As creative as a stained glass window,

As hardworking as an elephant,

As happy as a well-loved dog,

And as sleepy as a pillow.

8. Use an app of your choice to create a fun illustration/visual of your “Simile Me”

9. Share your language arts mini spark recording page and your final project with your teacher/EY coordinator.

2 thoughts on “#62: Literary Device Lesson-Simile

  1. Cool. As cool as joe burrow
    Hilarious. As funny as bunny
    Smart. As smart as a monkey
    Hyper. I’m as hyper as a dead man…
    Sly. As sly as a blue whale…

  2. Smart. I’m as smart as Bill Nye
    Playful I’m as playful as a monkey
    Hungry I’m as hungry as as thanksgiving
    Cool. I’m as cool as January
    Funny I’m as funny as a meme

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