#70: Why is there a “B” in doubt?

Cat- C-A-T     Dog. D-O-G. Not all words have spellings that are as clear and easy to remember as these two. Watch this TED ED video about why there is a “B” in doubt.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #70: Why is there a “B” in doubt?

2. Watch this video.


3. Record all of the forms of doubt and double from the video. Do research to add more words to your list that were not mentioned.

4. Do some research to find words with silent letters that are new to you. Record some that you have found on your recording sheet.

5. Read this information page about Latin. Record several important details on your recording sheet as you read.

6. Read more about silent letters at Wonderopolis. Take the Wonder Word Challenge or Test Your Knowledge when you are done reading. Record both scores on your recording sheet.

7. Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

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