All posts by lspady

Snapple Facts

Light_Bulb_1 Did you Know?  The Empire State Building has 73 elevators.

If you’ve ever drank a Snapple before, you know an interesting fact is printed under the lid.  There are over 1,000 facts, but you don’t have to drink 1,000 Snapples to read them all!   Just head to the Snapple website and explore the facts for yourself! 

Use Haiku Deck, Pic Collage, or another app to display your favorite Snapple facts.  Dig a little deeper by checking out resources (books, databases, internet, etc.) to find more information about your fact.

#3: Pangrams

This mini spark will have you writing in a creative way.  Have some fun with pangrams.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #3: Pangrams

2. A pangram is a series of words which contains all the letters of the alphabet.                   (pan = all and gramma = letter)                                                                                                          Example:  The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

3. Watch this video and record the sentences he creates on your recording sheet.

4. Try writing your own pangram.  Sure, you could look one up on the internet, but push yourself to think of an original one. On your recording sheet, start working on your pangram. When you are done, count the letters in your pangram, and write about the strategy you used.

5. Once you get the hang of it, write a shorter pangram that makes sense.  Use a dictionary if needed to find words that you can add to you pangram in order to incorporate some of the less common letters of the alphabet.

6. Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

A Redefinition of Gardens

Mary Mary Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?garden

#17 Wonder of the Day: Can You Garden in the City?

Do you have a garden?  What is the most unique thing you’ve grown in a garden?  Maybe you’re thinking you’d like to have a garden, but you don’t have the yard space or know how to get started.  Well this is the Wonder for you!

Springtime is a great time to start planting a garden and this Wonderopolis Wonder talks about many things related to gardening!

  • Watch the short video at the beginning
  • Read the Wonder (or have it read to you)
  • Complete the Did You Get It? at the end
  • Leave a comment and let us know something new you learned.  You could also tell us about your own garden if you have one, or tell us what you’d like to plant if you could start a garden.  When leaving a comment, use your first name only.  Include your grade and school (i.e. Trevor, 3, Sunset)

#2: Literary Device Lesson: Portmanteau

A portmanteau (pronounced port-MAN-toe) is a type of literary device.  It is a word made by blending at least two words. The new word combines both the sounds and meanings of the originals

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #2: Literary Device Lesson: Portmanteau

2. A portmanteau is when two words are combined to form a new word which refers to a single concept that retains the meanings of both the original words. Modern language is full of portmanteaus. In fact, the portmanteau is itself a portmanteau. It’s a combination of the French porter (to carry) and manteau (cloak). Record the two parts and meanings of portmanteau on your recording sheet.

3. Write these examples on your recording page.

 smog (smoke + fog) – hazy, polluted air

internet (interconnected + network) – a computer network of information

labradoodle (labrador + poodle) – a hybrid dog breed with parentage from a labrador retriever and a poodle

pluot (plum + apricot) – a hybrid stone fruit that combines the characteristics of a plum and an apricot

4. To form a portmanteau, usually the first segment of one word is attached to the final segment of another word. Some portmanteau words are blended in other ways, like combining the initial segments of both words. Look at the examples that you wrote on your recording sheet or find 3 of your own.  Describe how each of the words were created

Example: spork (spoon + fork) – an eating utensil that serves as both a spoon and a fork

Spork is formed by combing the beginning segment of spoon with the last segment of fork.

5. Try this portmanteau creator. Enter two words that are often found together and look to see the combos that are generated for you. Explore several combos and record your two starting words and the results.

5. Create your own portmanteau. Pick two words that are often used together to describe a single concept. For example lettuce and dressing or amazing and spectacular. See if there’s a way to combine them and create a single word that encompasses the meaning of both. Show all of your work on your recording sheet.

6. Portmanteaus are often mistaken for compound words. On your recording page explain how they are different from compound words. When you are done, scroll to the bottom of this post to see if you had the right idea.

7.  Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Lesson adapted from




A compound word is created when two or more entire words are joined to create one word with a new meaning. For example:

  • Black + bird = blackbird.
  • Foot + ball = football.
  • High + light = highlight.

A portmanteau, on the other hand, occurs when elements of two or more words are blended to create one word with a combined meaning. For example:

  • Breakfast + lunch = brunch.
  • Information + commercial = infomercial.
  • Motor + pedal = moped.

To further illustrate the difference, note that if we were to form a portmanteau word out of black and bird, we would have blird. Likewise, to make a compound word out of breakfast and lunch, we would create the word breakfastlunch.

Hopscotch Video Game Tutorial

Below is a 10 minute video tutorial on how to build a basic game in Hopscotch. Ignore the introduction as it was created for the Westgate Code Crushers enrichment cluster.  Start with the basic instructions in the video, and then tweak it to make it your own!

Modify the Game:  Instead of falling numbers, try verbs, adjectives, nouns, state capitals, etc.  You can also add a background and a scoring system.

Author Visit

At the beginning of the school year, Westside Middle School students were given the opportunity to be beta readers for a young adult novel.  Author Angela Prusia has always had beta readers for her novels, but this was the first time she asked students to give her feedback.  After the book was released in February, Angela noted:

“I’m so grateful for all the amazing feedback from your students on my book, Cafeteria Food, which I renamed Nameless after several students’ suggestions! Hands down, their feedback was better than what I normally receive from adults.”

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Fourteen students’ names made it on the acknowledgment page in Angela’s book.  She is excited to offer the students another opportunity to be beta readers for the next two books in this trilogy (another decision she made based on the beta readers’ feedback).

During her visit at Westside Middle School, Angela had the students write several different pieces during a Writer’s Workshop.  Click here to download a compilation of their work.

L. Arts Mini-Spark #1: How do geckos defy gravity?

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For this week’s Reading enRichment, complete the following:

  • Read the following writing prompts before you watch the video.
    • What are spatula?  If the spatulae weren’t shaped like spatulas, would it be better for them to be shaped like spheres or cubes? Why?
    • Explain the process that makes the geckos feet “stick” to surfaces.
    • Talk about how the geckos sticky feet can help humans create new materials. How could this help humankind?
  • Watch this TED Talk:
  • Pause the video if you need to take notes.  You may need to watch the video more than once.
  • Choose one of the prompts listed above and leave a comment (at least 3-4 sentences).  When leaving a comment, use your first name, grade, and school (i.e. Tyler, 5, Sunset).  Do not publish your email.

NOTE:  There is a section in the video about electrons and charges.  You do not need to understand this 100%, just watch and listen to the narrator explain the process.

Take it a step further by learning more about our world using research and Geckos!

  • Watch this video:
  • Expand on what you have learned by researching your own animal and responding to this prompt:
    • What is another animal that exhibits an incredible phenomenon, and how can it be used to make life better for humankind?
  • Record your responses on this form

And if you still can’t get enough…This “Prototype This” episode @ is about creating a Gecko Superhero Suit.  Respond to this post after watching the video with any new learnings, thoughts, and/or opinions.

Welcome To Early Enrichment!

These posts are intended for our early learners in the primary grades (K-3), however older students might find the topics interesting and are welcome to participate.  Each week, we will post a learning opportunity (video, app on the iPad, article, writing prompt, etc.) for students to complete individually or in a small group setting.  Students may choose to do any/all of the activities listed.

Week of April 20th Learning Opportunity

BrainPop Jr. Movie of the Week is a free app on the iPad.  This week’s movie is perfect for Earth Day-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Did you learn something new?  Leave a comment and let us know!  When leaving a comment, use your first name only.  If you make a poster, give it to your teacher and have him/her give it to the EY Coordinator at your building.  We may post your picture on our Student Showcase Wiki!

EY Parent Meetings

Thank you to those of you who have submitted questions regarding the EY identification process.  The Google form is still available and we encourage you to enter your questions so we can prepare for the upcoming parent meetings.

reminder_handDon’t Forget!  We’d also like to have your input regarding your child’s strengths.  What you observe at home and outside of the school walls is equally as important as what goes on in school.   Please visit the following link to fill out a parent survey online:

Parent Meeting Dates

Tuesday, April 21 at Oakdale (6:30 pm in the library): This meeting is intended for parents of students at Paddock Road, Oakdale, Prairie Lane, and Rockbrook

Tuesday, April 28 at Swanson (6:30 pm in the library):  This meeting is intended for parents of students at Hillside, Westbrook, and Swanson

Thursday, April 30 at Sunset Hills (6:30 pm in the library):  This meeting is intended for parents of students at Loveland, Sunset Hills, and Westgate

Sumdog Math Contest

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Check out the free Sumdog math contest!

Sumdog’s math questions are free to use, without any time limit. They include word problems, and cover a broad range of topics.

It will only take an hour or so to get a decent score, and as students play online, they can compete in school or at home.

In order to join in the fun, teachers can enter their class here:

Westside Community Schools does not sponsor or endorse the organization or activity described here.