I have 120 minions (btw…minions can fly). Each minion has 50 health. The archer tower does a big damage on the minion. The minion loses 38 health. How much health does the minion have left?
My boys love their video games! Minecraft, Clash of Clans, Where’s My Water…I can’t keep up with all of them. One way I don’t go crazy with all the gaming is that I have them write math story problems that go along with the game. Check out these problems my son Trevor wrote about Clash of Clans: Image taken from https://www.flickr.com/photos/85217387@N04/8638068371
An army camp can hold 50 spaces. If a giant takes up 5 spaces, how many giants can fit in that army camp?
I am attacking with 75 barbarians. I place down 40 barbarians. How many barbarians do I have left?
I have 20 dark elixir. If I attack and gain 90 dark elixir, how much dark elixir do I have now?
One of my valkyries hit 2 dark elixir drills. One drill had 100 dark elixir and the other had 59. If I already had 1,350 dark elixir, how much do I have now?
I have 10,000 gold and I spend 2,000 gold on walls. If one wall costs 100 gold, how many walls can I get?
I have 120 minions (btw…minions can fly). Each minion has 50 health. The archer tower does a big damage on the minion. The minion loses 38 health. How much health does the minion have left?
I have 30,292 gold. Overnight, somebody attacks me and gains 9,929 gold (that means I lose 9,929 gold). How much gold do I have now?
I have 1,347 trophies. In the battle, I gain 25 more. How many trophies do I have now?
When a clan has 1,962 trophies. Round this number to the nearest hundred.
In my army camp, I can hold 200 spaces. A giant level 4 takes up 6 spaces. I have 2 wallbreakers that each take 2 spaces. How much space do I have left in my army camp?
A wallbreaker breaks 4 walls at a time. If there are 6 wallbreakers, how many walls will be blown up?
My clan castle can hold 30 spaces. TiTi, a clan member, donates 5 lv 5 barbarians. They take up 5 spaces in all in my clan castle. How many spaces do I have now?
Spark your math thinking!
Set up your math mini spark recording page: #11: Video Game Math Problems
On your recording page, write 12 creative math story problems to go along with a video game that you like to play. Make an answer key for your problems as well.
On our recording page, write the step by step directions for three of your hardest problems.
Answer 5 of the Clash of Clans story problems from above. Write the number of the problem, show your math and include your answer.
Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.
Did you know various math topics have special days solely dedicated to it? Learn about some of these holidays in this math mini spark.
Spark your math thinking!
1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #10: Celebrate Math!
2. What is Pythagorean Theorem Day? To qualify as a Pythagorean Theorem Day, the digits that make up the date must qualify as a pythagorean triple. The next pythagorean triple date will be on July 24, 2025 since 72 + 242 = 252. Do some research and find some other dates that were or will be Pythagorean Theorem Days.
3. Mole Day is celebrated on October 23. Read about mole day and take notes about this day on your recording page. Make sure to define a mole in your notes.
4. The Fibonacci sequence begins like this: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144…. November 23 is celebrated as Fibonacci Day because when the date is written in the mm/dd format (11/23), the digits in the date form a Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,2, 3. Watch this video about this special number pattern. Add notes to your recording page.
5.Pi Day is on March 14. Watch this short video about this day. Add some interesting details from the video to your recording page. Then, go to this site to find out how long until we celebrate pi day again (to the nearest second). Record this on your recording page.
6. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.
During my tenure as Teacher Leader for the Excellence in Youth (EY) team at Westside Community Schools, I’ve heard the following comments made by students…
I was one point away from being in EY
I’m not smart and that’s why I’m not in EY
I was absent the day of the test so that’s why I’m not in EY
Let me let you in on a little secret (it’s actually not a secret-we’re trying to let EVERYONEknow)…
You don’t have to be in EY to participate in seminars or other
learning opportunities that the EY team sponsors.
Here’s the deal…You don’t have to wait around for anyone to tell you that you’re passionate about something. I’m pretty sure you could list 10 things right now that you’re passionate about or interested in and you don’t need a high IQ or a standardized test score to tell you that you can explore those areas. Let’s just take a look at a couple inventors:
Les Paul designed a solid-body electric guitar in 1941. Guess what? When he was young, one of his teachers told his mother that he’d never learn music. That didn’t stop Les. He taught himself how to play several instruments and by the time he was a teenager, he was performing with country bands all over the midwest. Les didn’t need a score to tell him what he loved doing. He had a passion and pursued it…it’s as simple as that! Information taken from: http://www.biography.com/people/les-paul-9435046
Joy Mangano designed the Miracle Mop. I might be wrong, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t check to make sure her IQ was high enough or that her math achievement scores were in the 99th percentile before coming up with her idea. In fact, according to Biography.com, Joy was frustrated with household mopping and came up with a new one (http://www.biography.com/people/joy-mangano). She also came up with several other ideas and eventually sold her company to the Home Shopping Network (HSN).
The EY team has the great pleasure of providing opportunities for all students…regardless of whether or not they are in the EY program. These opportunities are sometimes based on students’ interests or talents (Musician Andy Hackbarth and Job Shadowing-see below). The opportunities are sometimes based on what’s available in our community (Orpheum-see below). In some cases, students and parents suggest ideas (Moon Bot Seminar-see below). Whatever the case may be, the EY Team is open to ideas and we are passionate about getting kids plugged into these opportunities. We want students to explore areas of interest, as well as foster talents that may already exist. We want to open doors for students that they never knew existed. We want to ignite the passion that exists in all students! We want to encourage all students to change the world…regardless of their IQ score.
Cale, a 5th grader from Westbrook has an interest in computers. The EY Team arranged form him to shadow Mr. Sanchez at WHS to get a glimpse of a possible career path in technology. One thing Cale learned…”There’s a lot of parts to a computer and taking them apart and putting them back together takes time.”
Musician Andy Hackbarth (http://www.andyhackbarth.com) came to Westside Middle School a couple weeks ago and worked with a group of aspiring musicians. No IQ or test score required to attend…just a passion for music! Andy talked about the math and science behind music, as well as the literary aspects of writing music. The result was AMAZING! Sixth grader Erin from Loveland said, “This was the best day ever! I wish we could have spent 2 full days with Andy. I learned so much!” Click here for a sample of one group’s song.
Omaha is very lucky to have a variety of organizations that support and expand appreciation for the arts. Omaha Performing Arts is one such organization and through their student matinee program, schools are able to offer opportunities to students who may not have the experience otherwise. Last week, a group of students went to Pedal Punk at the Orpheum. I wish I could have captured the wide-eyes and jaw dropping that took place throughout the performance. It was priceless!
Last week, 22 students from various elementary schools came together for our first ever, Path to Personalization Seminar. The ticket to attend? Just explain something you’d like to work on for an entire day. We had students writing scripts, taking photos, researching 3D printers, sewing, and more! We even had a student design a MoonBot seminar that he is planning to lead during the spring semester. Said by one student, “I just enjoyed working on something I love doing for an entire day…no interruptions!”
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There are so many amazing things happening K-12 in our district. It’s a great time to be an educator and an even more exciting time to be a learner! Let’s not exclude students based on their test scores, but rather celebrate and continually look for and provide opportunities for all students to explore their passions.
Please leave a comment and let us know what you’re passionate about. Got any ideas to share? Do you have a suggestion for a seminar? We’re all ears!
Why would anyone want to start a forest fire on purpose? In this STEAM mini spark you will find out the answer to this question along with many more ideas about this topic.
Spark your thinking!
1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #10: Benefits of Fire
2. Find the answers to these questions using the sources below.
How can you conduct a controlled burn/prescribed burn?
What types of scientists/professionals work in this field?
What components of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) are important to the controlled burn process?
Research Links: While reading/watching each resource, record information that is new to you, is interesting, or sounds important.
National Geographic article, The Ecological Benefits of Fire
3. Record your answers to the 3 questions on your recording sheet.
4. When you are finished researching and answering the 3 questions, display your learning somehow. Push yourself to try a new app or a new way of showing your learning. Here are some examples:
Write a letter Fontenelle Forest
If you could interview a restoration biologist, what questions would you ask?
Make an infographic with terms, images, and details about the topic.
5. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.
Check out the Natural Disaster Reporter badge at the EY website.
*Also see post below containing spreadsheet of MORE novels housed at the EY office. **If you are interested in checking out any of the novels below, or those listed on the spreadsheet, please contact your building’s EY Coordinator. Allow at least a week for your Coordinator to get the novels to you.
*Please note that if a video link doesn’t work on a certain novel unit, try it in another browser.
Renowned American chef Julia Child once said, “I’m very happy…if I can influence anyone to keep in the kitchen and make it a real family room and part of your life.” Does that statement ring true for your kitchen?
Does your family cook big meals for celebrations? Have you ever helped make a Thanksgiving dinner with your family? If you have, you probably know that there is a lot of directions and math involved in cooking. For this week’s Early Enrichment, check out this wonder from Wonderopolis:
(1) First check out the pictures and videos that go along with the topic. Do you know what they are pictures of?
(2) Second, read about the wonder. You can do this by yourself, by listening or with a grown up.
If you don’t know what the words mean, be sure to click on the yellow boxes to find out!
(3)Then, test your knowledge by completing the quiz.
(4) If you are feeling brave, try it out! Follow a recipe provided or create your own. Share your recipes in a comment below, and be sure to show your class and EY coordinator.
The Oregon Trail was a pathway that pioneers took to journey westward to Oregon during the 1800s. This trail was not a railroad; instead, it consisted of a network of worn tracks that extended from Missouri to Oregon.
Spark your thinking!
1. Set up your Social Studies mini spark recording page: #2: The Oregon Trail
2. Record the names of the landmarks the people saw on the trail.
3. Choose 3 of the questions to answer after watching the video. Remind your teacher that the key can be found in the Social Studies mini spark folder.
What types of transportation did Pioneers use while traveling on the Oregon Trail?
Name at least two landmarks mentioned in the video that served as mile markers for the Pioneers.
Explain why natural wonders were important to the Pioneers on their journey.
How did Pioneers mark their presence at Chimney Rock?
Describe the significance of Chimney Rock to the Pioneers traveling west.
What does the phrase “if man does not feel like an insect here” suggest about the size of Chimney Rock in relation to the Pioneers?
4. Choose 3 historic sites to read about that were along the trail. When you get to the Oregon Trail Webpage, click on the names of the sites to find the information pages. For each one you choose, make a tiny fact page that explains the site to someone who has not heard of it before.
5. Study this map of the Oregon Trail. Record 3 things you notice, 2 questions you have, and 1 thing you learned.
6. Study this map with modern roads labeled. Find the east and west end of the Oregon Trail. First find Independence, Missouri and then Oregon City, Oregon. What roads would you choose to take today to get from Independence to Oregon City?
7. Share your Social Studies mini spark recording page and visual with your teacher/EY coordinator.
Don’t download unless you have permission, you might download a virus.
Don’t respond to a bully online.
Show an adult if someone is bullying you online.
If you don’t like the website you are one, tell an adult and go back.
Can you think of some more rules that will help you be a super digital citizen? See if you can teach your friends how to be a digital citizen by making a poster or pic collage on how you can be safe, respectful and responsible online!
Share your ideas with your EY Coordinator and your class!
Set up your math mini spark recording page: #9: Tangram Puzzles
Watch this intro video. Write the tangram rules and puzzle shapes on your recording page.
3. Try out this a tangram puzzle site with challenges to stretch your thinking.
4. Choose 5 or 6 puzzles to solve. Choose the right level for you. Older kids should do the advanced puzzles. Add a picture of each completed puzzle to your recording sheet.
5. Share your math mini spark recording page and your art piece with your teacher/EY coordinator.
Have you ever wished a story ended differently in a book?
I know I have!
Maybe it was missing more action, a happy ending, or a hook that makes you want to read more.
Try your hand in being an author, and write an ending for a story. You can use a book that you have read before, or checkout the ideas at this website.