All posts by lspady

#11: That’s hard to pronounce!

A heteronyms are words that have the same spelling but different pronunciations and meanings.  For example, wind and wind can easily cause confusion since both word are spelled the same BUT can be pronounced differently and have different meaning. We’ll outline heteronyms and some other words that are hard to pronounce in this mini spark.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #11: That’s hard to pronounce!

2. Write this definition on your recording sheet. A heteronym occurs when two or more homographs – words which the same spelling – are pronounced differently. In a written text, this can be confusing.

3. Watch this video. On your recording page record at least 10 ideas you learned from this video.


4. Look at this list of words. Practice the different ways the word can be pronounced.  Ask your teacher to listen to you say the words in the correct format. Have your teacher put her signature on your recording sheet by step 4.

  • Bass – a fish, or a low-pitched instrument
  • Bow – a thing you fire arrows with, or when you bend over in a respectful greeting
  • Desert – to abandon, or a (usually sandy) area with little rain
  • Moped – when you were sad, or a low-powered alternative to a motorbike
  • Perfect – when you get really good at something, or when something is flawless
  • Polish – when you make something metal look great, or something from Poland
  • Wind – when you twist something, or when the air moves

5.  Number your recording sheet from 1-9.  Your challenge is to try to think of a word that will fit into both blanks. These are tricky but spend at least 5 minutes trying to work on these challenge.  GOAL-Try to solve at least 6!  After 5 minutes or when you have at least 6, scroll way to the end of this page to check your work. Put a star for those that were correct and add in correct answers for those that were blank.

    1. She will ———- if you try to bring that ugly ———-into her house.

     2. I saw a ——– in her eye when he threatened to ——– up the agreement.

     3. They were able to ———- the gates before the enemy got too ———-.

     4. The secretary will ——– the items until she has a complete ———-.

     5. A ———- occurred when the prisoners were ordered to line up in a ———-.

     6. It took less than a ———— to identify the ———— virus.

     7. His followers will ———- him if he forces them to live in the arid ——–.

     8. He ——– all that he can to protect the ———- from harm.

     9. The will written by the ———- was declared by a lawyer to be ———-.

6.  Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Check out mini spark #9 The Dove Dove which is about words and how they are used.












1. Object

2. Tear

3. Close

4. Record

5. Row

6. Minute

7. Desert

8. Does

9. Invalid

Lesson idea from

#10: Silly Zoo Stories

Use the ideas from this mini spark and the story starter guide to make your own silly animal themed story.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #10: Silly Zoo Stories

2.  Listen to the book, A Couch for Llama. What did you learn about this llama in the story. Write two sentences.

3. Listen to the book, Books Aren’t for Eating.  Write 3 examples of how Leopold is good at his job.

4. You are to write your own silly animal story. Open up or print this super silly story starters page to get some for ideas.  Look it over and decide which of the prompts you will use for this mini spark. Record 3 prompt ideas on your recording page.

5. Start thinking about your animal’s personality. Here are some question to answer on your recording page before you start your story.

  • What kind of personality does the animal have? Is it shy or outgoing, even-tempered or grumpy, be specific.
  • What does your animal like to do for fun?
  • Why does the animal choose to live where it lives?
  • What does the animal like to eat and what does the animal NOT like to eat at all???
  • Who are the animal’s best friends. Who is your animal afraid of seeing?

6. Choose one prompt and add it to your recording page.

7. Write your story on your recording page. Reminder: INCLUDE YOUR ANIMALS PERSONALITY AS YOU WRITE!

8.  Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

OPTIONAL: If you would like to write more stories using this guide, please do! Talk with your EY coordinator or teacher about making these into a badge.

Lesson adapted from

#1: The First Trick-or-Treaters

Trick-or-treating has been linked to Halloween festivities in the United States and Canada since the early 20th century. However, various cultures around the globe have their own traditions of children visiting homes to collect treats, with one European practice often seen as the origin of the North American custom.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your social studies mini spark recording page: #1: The First Trick-or-Treaters

2. Read this article. Write a 3 sentence summary.

Trick-or-treating is a popular Halloween tradition in America, enjoyed by children of all ages. While today it mainly revolves around collecting candy, its roots can be traced back to ancient customs from Ireland and Great Britain. Historically, trick-or-treating is linked to the belief that the souls of the dead would return to Earth on Halloween night.

In the past, people would visit their neighbors and ask for “soul cakes.” These were small baked goods offered by the residents in exchange for a prayer said for the souls of their departed loved ones. This practice was a way to honor the dead and help guide their spirits to the afterlife.

To appease wandering spirits, many families left food and drink outside their homes. This offering was meant to satisfy the spirits, ensuring that they would not cause trouble or play tricks on the living. If a spirit found no offerings, it was believed that they might play a practical joke on the homeowner.

Today, some people still enjoy playing harmless pranks, but the majority of families focus on the fun of giving out treats to children who knock on their doors and say, “Trick or Treat!” This phrase has become a familiar part of Halloween celebrations, signaling the children’s excitement as they collect sweets from neighborhood homes.

3. Trick-or-treating has evolved, but its essence remains tied to the themes of community and remembrance. As you celebrate Halloween, consider the history behind this fun tradition. Learn more about the recipe for soul cakes. Visit this page and look over the into paragraph and the recipe. Write down the ingredients on your recording page.

4. Look over this infographic that shows some of the different traditions involving “treats”. Choose one or two and do some research to find out more details.

5. Share your social studies mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#8: Zombie Math

Spark your math thinking!

1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #8: Zombie Math 

2. You need to get away from these mutant zombies-FAST! Can you solve the bridge riddle? Watch the riddle. IMPORTANT! Pause the video to record your possible solutions on your recording sheet. After you have written down your solution, you can watch the rest of the video. Record the solution from the video on your recording video and if you found the solution write “I SOLVED THE BRIDGE RIDDLE!!”.

2. Can you escape the web of zombies in 13 steps and exit safely? Challenge yourself with a web made up of algebraic expressions that include exponents and square roots, all tangled up with angles, area, and other ghostly geometry concepts. Print the Zombie Web page.  Reminder for your teacher-the answer key is in the math mini spark folder.

3. Practice using the exponential growth formula-with Zombies! Take notes on your recording sheet showing the math from the video.

4. **Advanced Option: The Mathematics of Escaping Zombies. Check out this video from Numberphile.  Watch this and take record some important details on your recording sheet showing the math you learned.

5. Share your math mini spark recording page and zombie web with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Quarter 1 is behind us!

First quarter is over!  Wow – this year is flying by already!

We have had a busy, fun first quarter.  Our focus has been on invention and innovation, which has always been a fun theme for students. We had a variety of events and experiences that provided students with the opportunity to explore invention and innovation both inside and outside the classroom.

One such event was the Invention Convention Seminar in September.  This was open to all students grades 2 – 6 (at two separate seminars) and had a focus on the engineering process, as well.  Fifth and sixth grade students had the opportunity to create their own musical instrument, work through the reverse engineering process, market their invention, and look at improving the world through inventions all while creating an engineering notebook.  Second through Fourth graders worked through the process of engineering by creating electrical circuits and they even got to put together a light up greeting card using a circuit they made.  It was exciting to see all of the innovative thinkers we have at Westside!

Math and Reading enrichment classes are in full swing now.  For reading enrichment, we are doing some higher-level novel studies.  The students enjoy digging deeper into their reading and writing.  When we’re not working on a novel, students are encouraged to complete their Current Events on the Google Doc, and look into Reading Enrichment opportunities in the EY Blog.  For math enrichment, we’re working off of a Math Enrichment menu, which gives students the opportunity to personalize their own math enrichment experience.

We continue to encourage all students to check out the EY blog regularly for enrichment opportunities in many interest areas both within their classrooms, and beyond.  Please encourage your student(s) to explore the blog at home as well.  Like I always say…the blog doesn’t ever take a day off!

Thank you for making this first quarter a success!

#7: Mayan Math

The Mayans were a classical civilization of Mesoamerica.  Originating in the Yucatan around 2600 B.C.E., they rose to prominence around A.D.E. 250 in present-day southern Mexico, Guatemala, western Honduras, El Salvador, and northern Belize.

Spark your math thinking!

1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #7: Mayan Math

2. Mayan Math was the most sophisticated number system ever developed in the Americas.  Astronomers and architects used Mayan Math, but it was also simple enough to be used by uneducated traders and farmers.  Where we use ten different symbols to represent numbers (1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0), the Mayans used only three: a dot for a one, a bar for five, and a symbol (usually a shell) for zero. (The Maya were the first civilization to discover and understand the concept of zero.)  The chart below shows the Mayan numbers 1 – 19. Draw this chart on your recording page or use this online tool to practice making the numbers 1-19.

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3.  We use a decimal system, based on the number ten, but the Mayans used a vigesimal system, based on the number twenty. So, where we learn to count on our fingers, Mayan children counted on their fingers and toes. In fact, the number twenty was very important to the Mayans, so much so that the words for “human being” and “twenty” share the same root in most Mayan languages. Record a summary of this information on your recording sheet.
Watch a video about base 20 and how it is used. Record important details on your recording sheet.

4. The Mayans wrote their numbers from top to bottom rather than from left to right, but apart from that, their system was not so different from ours. For example, to write the number 34, we place a three in the tens column and a four in the ones column. The Maya put a one in the twenties column and a fourteen in the ones column. Draw this image on your recording sheet.

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5. Practice making larger numbers at Round 2 at Mayan Math Games. Then you will move to Round 3 at Mayan Math Games where you make numbers in the base 20 system.   If you think you can move to round 3 without starting in round 2 that is ok. Add a note to your recording page about what you learned.

6. Adding in the Mayan system is simply a matter of juggling the dots and bars. To calculate 36 + 13, for example, you start by adding the units (i.e., 16 + 13). This gives you 29, so you leave 9 in the ones column and carry the 20 up, giving you a grand total of 2 twenties and 9 ones = 49.

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Pretty smart, right? Especially, when you consider that the Ancient Egyptians never cracked the concept of zero and that complex calculations with Roman numerals were way too complicated for ordinary Romans. Practice adding in Round 4 at Mayan Math Games.

7.  Optional: If you would like to try subtraction go to Round 5 at Mayan Math Games.

8. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Check out the ancient number systems badge at the EY website

Early Enrichment #5: Matific Episodes

Matific is a math website/app that features hundreds of playful interactions called “episodes.” Practice your math skills by practicing some of their free episodes!

Go to the link below, click the box to continue to website, and choose one of the activities on their homepage.

(note: activities found off of the homepage will require an account created by  classroom teachers. Scroll down to see some of the free episodes).

Spy a Meerkat

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Monster Shop

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Cherry Chomp

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Cut, Paste and Figure

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Weighing the Options

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Get Mixed Up

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The Monster’s Share

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Writer’s Block

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Can I count the image above as a blog post?  I know, it’s more of an excuse, but I’m really struggling with my goal of writing two blog posts a month.  Even though I’m only a few posts in, I’m really beginning to understand why some students struggle with writing.  It can seem like such a daunting task!

Writing about a writer’s block is better than not writing at all. ~Charles Bukowski

So I guess this post will be about writer’s block.  I found this blog post to be very useful in finding some possible solutions.  Fear and Perfectionism are probably my two biggest obstacles.  I can definitely think of at least 100 excuses why I can’t write…not enough time, there’s nothing interesting to write about, the dishes need washed…

Alas, excuses won’t get me anywhere.  For now, I will be satisfied with the fact that I at least wrote something and remind myself of why I set a goal in the first place.  I want to become a better writer and I want to be able to empathize with students when they are struggling to write.

I’d love to hear any suggestions you have for writer’s block.  Leave a comment below!

#6: The Mathematical Secrets of Pascal’s Triangle

Pascal’s Triangle, named after Blaise Pascal, a famous French Mathematician and Philosopher, is more than a triangular shape of numbers.  The patterns found within the triangle are FASCINATING! Investigate some of the treasures found within the triangle in this math mini spark.


1     1

1     2     1

1     3     3     1

1     4     6     4     1

1     5     10     10     5     1

Spark your math thinking!

1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #6: The Mathematical Secrets of Pascal’s Triangle

2. Watch this video about Pascal’s Triangle. On your recording page answer these questions: Describe a pattern you notice within the triangle. What numbers would be in the next row?


3. At 1:20 in the video, the Triangular Numbers are highlighted.  The picture below shows the first 5 triangular numbers.  Draw the next 2 triangular numbers on your recording page.

Screen Shot 2015-10-07 at 7.19.52 PM4. At 1:58 in the video, the Pentagonal Numbers are highlighted.  The picture below shows the first 5 pentagonal numbers.  Draw the next 2 pentagonal numbers on your recording page.

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5. Do some more research on Pascal’s Triangle at Math is Fun. Don’t feel like you have to explain everything about the triangle, just pick a couple patterns to highlight on your recording page.

6. This TED Ed Video takes the explanation of Pascal’s Triangle to a higher level, but it’s worth a watch to discover even more patterns within the triangle. Record 5 details from the video on your recording sheet.

7. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Early Enrichment #4: Alien Invasion


Imagine you are a scientist for NASA responsible for a top secret research project on one of the planets. Your job is to inform the world on what your planet is like, and if there is any form of life living there.

First, watch the videos to learn about what planets you can find in our solar system. 


Then, choose a planet to research using one of the links below.

Planet for Kids 

National Geographic Kids- What is a Planet?

Here are some questions to think about as you research your planet:

What does your planet look like? How far away from the sun is your planet?

What can you find on your planet? Is the temperature cold or hot?

What is the surface like? How long does it take your planet to go around the sun?

After researching your planet, show what you have learned by designing a Planet Report. Your report should include important information about your planet and a drawing of an alien life form that could survive on it. Be sure to label and describe your alien’s  features, for example eyes, and why they are vital for your alien’s survival.

Share your Planet Report and Alien with your EY Coordinator!