All posts by lspady

#1: Strandbeests

Artist Theo Jansen demonstrates the amazingly lifelike kinetic sculptures he builds from plastic tubes and lemonade bottles.  His creatures are designed to move – and even survive – on their own.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language Full STEAM Ahead recording page: #1: Strandbeests

2. Read this quote from Theo Jansen. “Every spring I go to the beach with a new beast. During the summer I do all kinds of experiments with the wind, sand and water. In the fall I grew a bit wiser about how these beasts can survive the circumstances on the beach. At that point I declare them extinct and they go to the bone yard.”

3. On your recording page, write about what you think a Strandbeest is like.

3. Watch this video. and gather more information.

4. Set your timer for 3 minutes. On your recording page explain a Strandbeest to someone who has not seen one before.

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5.  Watch this TED talk: Theo Jansen: My creations, a new form of life. On your recording page record 5 takeaways from the talk.

6. Visit Theo Jansen’s website.  Click on “Strandbeest” and then “Genealogy” in the menu to explore the photo gallery. In detail, choose one of the structures to describe on your recording page.

7. Write about what you you learned.  How does what Mr. Jansen create relate to Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM)?

8. Share your Full STEAM Ahead recording page and visual with your teacher/EY coordinator.

2015-16 Seminars, Contests, and Events

We are excited to offer a variety of opportunities this year.  All students are welcome to attend unless otherwise noted.  There will always be some sort of “ticket” that needs to be completed first.  The “ticket” might be a qualifying test or a project you develop.

Westside Schools often get invited to special contests (math contests, quiz bowls, etc.)  Those contests are not listed below, but make sure to check this site often for updates!

April 28: Science Olympiad-Ticket Due Tuesday, April 12 (Grades 3-4)

April 29: Film Seminar Due Friday, April 15 (Grade 6)

May 2:  Art Seminar Due Tuesday April, 12th (Grades 4-6)

May 7 (Saturday): Coder Dojo 9:30-11:30 at Westgate Elementary  Topic: TBD


September 3: Portfolio Pow-Wow (Tier II and III identified learners)

September 9: Coding Seminar (Grades 4-8)

September 10: German Seminar (Grades 5-6)

September 19: (Saturday) Coder Dojo (Grades K-6)

September 29: Invention Convention (Grades 5-6)

September 30: Invention Convention (Grades 2-4)

October 26 & 27: School Spelling Bees

October 29: Taking the Road Less Traveled @ Iowa State (WMS and WHS Girls)

November 11: Music with Andy Hackbarth (Grades 5-8)

November 17: Path to Personalization (Grades 4-6)

November 20: District Spelling Bee

November 21: (Saturday) Coder Dojo (Grades K-6)  FULL!

November 24: Quiz Bowl

December 2: Explore Computer Science Day at UNO (Grades 5-6)

December 14 & 15: School Geography Bees

January 20: Extreme Math Day for Grade 5  (Ticket Due January 8)

January 21: Elementary STEMinar (Grades 4 – 6) (Ticket Due January 8)

February 6 (Saturday): Coder Dojo 9:30-11:30 at Westgate Elementary  Topic: Bitsbox

March 10: Battle of the Books (click here for the book list)

March 11: District Speech Contest

March 12 (Saturday): Coder Dojo 1:00-3:00 at Westgate Elementary  Topic: Unplugged Coding Activities

March 22:  Westside/Ralston Battle of the Books

  • Congratulations to the top 4 teams from Westside’s BOTB competition on March 10.  They will compete against Ralston’s top 4 teams on March 22.
    • Rockbrook:  Rainbow Flying Bananas
    • Swanson:  The Noble Narwhals
    • Sunset Hills:  The Book Barbarians
    • Oakdale: Lightning Bolts

April 9 (Saturday): Coder Dojo 9:30-11:30 at Westgate Elementary  Topic: TBD


#1: Zenzizenzizenzic

Wow…that’s a mouthful!  I wonder how many points that would be worth in Scrabble?  Explore the meaning of this bizarre sounding word by completing some Math Minutes this week!

Spark your math thinking!

1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #1: Zenzizenzizenzic

2. Listen to how to pronounce the word Zenzizenzizenzic 5 times. Say it 5 times to practice. Can you say it FAST 5 times?

3. Find out the meaning of zenzizenzizenzic by reading this article. Record 2 sentences about this word.

4. Make a tiny Z math dictionary page.  Your page should have the word and definition for at least ten Z math words. Here are some other ideas of Z math words. You can use these or find your own.

Z-Intercept     Zenith     Zero Divisors    Zero Element    Zero slope  Zodiac  Zone

5. Find out how many points zenzizenzizensic would be worth in Scrabble using this online scrabble calculator. Record the points on your recording sheet.

6.  Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.



BOTB 2016

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The EY team is excited to announce that we’ll be partnering with Ralston Public Schools for the 2016 Battle of the Books Competition.  More details will be provided in the fall, but we wanted to make sure you had the book list for summer in case you wanted to get a head start.

Click Here for the List of Books

Students in grades 3-6 are welcome to form a team of 2-4 students.  The book list only contains 15 books and we realize that a couple are repeats from the last two years.

Summer Suggestions




It is hard to believe that the last bell will ring soon and summer fun will commence!  The EY team will continue to provide a variety of learning experiences through our blog to keep those summer minds sharp!  We also wanted to pass along other opportunities available outside of our team and/or district.  We hope that these resources provide a starting point for your search into further enrichment opportunities.  Please note that these are suggested resources and are not endorsed or extensively researched by the Westside EY team.

TenMarks Online Math Summer Program                                                                                                  As you know, students lose an average of 2-3 months of math comprehension
over summer break. TenMarks offers a Free Summer Program that is proven to
reverse the loss.  Students that participated in the program last year not
only reversed their learning loss, they showed an 11% gain in math
This summer, TenMarks is making the Summer Math Program available to your
students for FREE! (previously $39.95/student)
Register at

Nebraska Association for the Gifted website list                                                                                         This list has various opportunities around the metro area and state.  Please be sure to contact the sponsor for availability and further information.                                                       

Metropolitan Community College – College for Kids and Teens

Arts For All is a nonprofit arts education organization dedicated to making the arts available and affordable for all ages throughout Metro Omaha. In 2013, over 1,500 students participated in Arts For All’s quality culturally-enriched programming.

Summer Kid’s Music Clinic 2015                                                                                                Sponsored By The Papillion LaVista Community Theatre  Contact MONIKA PETERS AT  for more information.

Camp Wonderopolis (online)                                                                                                                                 Camp Wonderopolis is headed to new frontiers this year with a theme of Mission to Wonder. Camp will enable programs, families, and individuals to customize their experience to their needs while campers explore different tracks of STEM-based exploration. Along the way they will build their vocabulary, background knowledge, and literacy skills

Leap Ahead in Math This Summer!  (online)                                                                                                    Research shows that students who are not exposed to stimulating, educational activities over the summer months easily lose a couple of month’s worth of math skills.  Instead of losing skills, sharpen skills and leap ahead in math this summer with LeapAhead!.          


Summer 2015



It is hard to believe that the last bell will ring soon and summer fun will commence!  The EY team will continue to provide a variety of learning experiences through our blog to keep those summer minds sharp!  We also wanted to pass along other opportunities available outside of our team and/or district.  We hope that these resources provide a starting point for your search into further enrichment opportunities.  Please note that these are suggested resources and are not endorsed or extensively researched by the Westside EY team.

TenMarks Online Math Summer Program

As you know, students lose an average of 2-3 months of math comprehension
over summer break. TenMarks offers a Free Summer Program that is proven to
reverse the loss.  Students that participated in the program last year not
only reversed their learning loss, they showed an 11% gain in math
This summer, TenMarks is making the Summer Math Program available to your
students for FREE! (previously $39.95/student)
Register at

Nebraska Association for the Gifted website list                                                                                         This list has various opportunities around the metro area and state.  Please be sure to contact the sponsor for availability and further information.                                                       

Metropolitan Community College – College for Kids and Teens

Arts For All is a nonprofit arts education organization dedicated to making the arts available and affordable for all ages throughout Metro Omaha. In 2013, over 1,500 students participated in Arts For All’s quality culturally-enriched programming.

Summer Kid’s Music Clinic 2015

Sponsored By The Papillion LaVista Community Theatre  Contact MONIKA PETERS AT  for more information.

Camp Wonderopolis (online)                                                                                                                                 Camp Wonderopolis is headed to new frontiers this year with a theme of Mission to Wonder. Camp will enable programs, families, and individuals to customize their experience to their needs while campers explore different tracks of STEM-based exploration. Along the way they will build their vocabulary, background knowledge, and literacy skills

Leap Ahead in Math This Summer!  (online)                                                                                                    Research shows that students who are not exposed to stimulating, educational activities over the summer months easily lose a couple of month’s worth of math skills.  Instead of losing skills, sharpen skills and leap ahead in math this summer with LeapAhead!.          

#5: Sensory Language

Sensory language includes words or phrases that connect to the five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. It creates vivid mental images and engages the reader’s mind on multiple levels.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #5: Sensory Language

2. Watch this video. Record an example for each of the senses on your recording page.

3.  Look over the story prompts on this list. Choose 3 that you like. Record them on your recording page.

4. Make a section on your recording page for each of these words:  sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

5. Spend 5 minutes brainstorming details for your character, setting, and events. Choose  descriptive words that connect the reader to your story by using the senses.

6. Write your story on your recording page.

  • There is not a required length for your story
  • Your story needs to have a clear beginning, middle and end
  • Make sure you have a problem/conflict that is presented and resolved
  • Make it great by including at least 10 sensory details.

7. OPTIONAL: If you would like to write more stories using this guide, please do! Share all of your stories with your teacher/EY coordinator.

8.  Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Lesson adapted from

#4: A Hummingbird Story

A flash of harmless lightning, a mist of rainbow dyes, the burnished sunbeams brightening from flower to flower he flies.  ~John Banister Tabb

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #4: A Hummingbird Story

2. Start by watching a video about hummingbirds. Record 5 facts on your recording page.

3. Show what you learned by choosing 3 of the prompts to answer on your recording sheet.

  • Describe what makes the sky islands one of the most diverse ecosystems in North America.
  • Explain the significance of hummingbirds during their migratory route.
  • What unique ability do hummingbirds have that sets them apart from other birds?
  • Discuss how the brain size of hummingbirds compares to that of humans.
  • Why do hummingbirds remember every flower patch and feeder they visit?
  • What are the best times to observe hummingbirds, and why are those times optimal?
  • How does the southeastern Arizona bird observatory contribute to the study of hummingbirds?
  • What adaptations do hummingbirds have that help them avoid predators?

4. Listen to this this story and write a 3 sentence summary on your recording page.

5. Listen to this story and write 2-3 sentence about the hummingbird.

6. Read this interview with the author of the Courage of the Little Hummingbird. Record 3 details from the interview on your recording page.

7. In the interview, she talks about retelling the story and answers this question: What advice do you have for authors interested in retelling old tales? Write about her response and what you learned.

8. Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.