Thanks Ellie and Karnitha for trying the very first EY Challenge of the 2022-23 school year!
Battle of the Books: This contest is a mix of comprehension book knowledge along with project based activities specific to the books. Students are not required to read all ten books, but instead the reading can be spread out amongst the team members. Check out the list of books here:
United States Academic Pentathlon (USAD): Academic Pentathlon tests students in five different subject areas (math, literature, fine arts, science, and social sciences). Students can choose to compete in 1, 2, 3, 4 or all 5 subject areas. There will be review sessions prior to the competition and the regional competition will take place in February.
Quiz Bowl: Quiz Bowl will meet on a weekly basis after school on Mondays from 3:20-4:00. Additional after school times and Warrior Time may be added. Quiz Bowl members will have an opportunity to participate in various Quiz Bowl competitions throughout the year.
Cribbage and Chess Club (CCC): CCC will meet on a weekly basis after school on Tuesdays from 3:20-4:00.
MATHCOUNTS: MATHCOUNTS provides engaging math opportunities to students of all ability levels in order to build confidence and improve attitudes about math and problem solving. The WMS MATHCOUNTS Team will meet on a weekly basis after school on Tuesdays from 3:20-4:00. We may also occasionally meet during Warrior Time.
Writing Contests: Various writing contests pop up throughout the year and there are usually prizes involved. If you’re a writer and would like to be notified when a contest starts, mark it on the Google Form.
Spelling Bee: All WMS 7th and 8th graders will take a qualifying spelling test in their LA class sometime between Oct. 10-21. Approximately 50 WMS students will be invited to participate in the WMS Spelling Bee which will be Friday, Nov. 18. This will be an online test provided through Scripps. The top 2 WMS students will be invited to participate in the District Spelling on December 16.
Geography Bee: All WMS 7th and 8th graders will take a qualifying geography test in their Social Studies/History class in early January. Approximately 50 WMS students will be invited to participate in the WMS Geo Bee which towards the end of January/early February 2023. During the WMS Geo Bee, students will also have an opportunity to participate in a Science Bee and a History Bee.
1. Set up your science mini spark recording page: #11: Microbes Eating Trash
2. Watch this TED-Ed video. Record 5 interesting vocabulary words on your recording sheet.
3. After watching this video, answer these questions in an interview format. You are the interviewer and the interviewee is a plastic starfish.
4. Advanced Option:Read this article and record your thoughts about this process.
5. Share your science mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.
1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #70: Why is there a “B” in doubt?
2. Watch this video. Record all of the forms of doubt and double from the video and 3 other details.
3. Do some research to find words with silent letters that are new to you. Record some that you have found on your recording sheet.
4. Read more about silent letters at Wonderopolis. Take the Wonder Word Challenge and Test Your Knowledge when you are done reading. Record both scores on your recording sheet.
5. Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.
Task: Create a Google Slides presentation, Pic Collage, or use any other app on your iPad to create a graphic for 20 days, 19 days, 18 days, etc. (see picture below). NOTE: If you don’t start this challenge until later this week or next week (or the following week), you don’t have to go back and do the ones that have already passed. BUT, in order to be included in the prize drawing, you have to complete at least 15 days total.
When you are finished with your 15+ days, you can email them to Dr. Spady at spady.lynn @
Some resources that might help you…
1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #55: Make a Flying Bat
2. Watch this video about bats. Record 5 details on your recording page.
3. See how researchers are learning more about how bat wings work. Add a few notes to your recording page.
4. For the next step you will need a few pieces of printer paper (8.5 X 11)
5. Watch this video. The teacher will show you all of the steps for folding your own paper bat. Be patient as any type of paper folding takes some practice. Tip-use a ruler to help you make the creases so they are very crisp.
6. Take a picture of your finished bat and add it to your recording page.
Steps 7 and 8 require teacher permission. Talk with your teacher before proceeding.
7. Try out your paper bat. Find a space where you will have enough room.
8. If you are happy with the results, add a few sentences explaining your project.
9. If you would like to go back to the video and try to build a second bat, please do so.
10. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.
1. Set up your science mini spark recording page: #10: Scared of Snakes?
2. Visit this video and learn more about vipers without having to actually see one in person. Listen for the answers to these questions and add them to your recording sheet.
The word “Viper” comes from what term, meaning giving birth to live young?
What allows the viper’s fangs to be extra long?
How does the snake’s rattle make noise?
3. Choose a snake that you don’t know much about. Do research about the snake and create a colorful fact sheet with 10-15 pieces of information and add it to your recording sheet. If you would like choices here is a list to check out.
4. Share your science mini spark recording page and your fact sheet with your teacher/EY coordinator.
Check out the Sneaky Snake badge at the EY website.
Step 1: Check out the example in the image below
Step 2: Watch this video:
Step 3: Write your sonnet and enter it here:
Quote from Angela Welch Prusia: