#59: World’s Favorite Cookie

What is your favorite kind of cookie?  Mine is chocolate chip and I especially love the recipe that has pudding in the batter.  Yum!

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #59: World’s Favorite Cookie
  2. Watch this video about one of America’s favorite cookies.  Jot down some facts as  you watch the video.  Complete this quiz afterwards.
  3. Check out this website listing 15 interesting facts about the “World’s Favorite Cookie”.  Record something new and interesting you read.
  4. Work on this Bedtime Math post about Oreos. The answers are at the bottom so don’t scroll all of the way down.
  5. Celebrate National Oreo day! Read facts about this day and record what you learned.
  6. Oreo Thins have a diameter of 4.5 centimeters and a thickness of 7.5 millimeters.  record your answers to the following questions on your recording page

 What is the Circumference (C = pi * diameter) of an Oreo Thin?

What is the Area (A = pi * radius squared) of an Oreo Thin?

                                        How tall would a stack of 10 Oreo Thins be?

7. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.


21 thoughts on “#59: World’s Favorite Cookie

  1. Oreo Big Stuff were discontinued and had 10 times the filling!
    Hogs hate Oreos.
    Hydrox came first two years before Oreos!

  2. There used to be big stuff Oreos but the people stopped selling them, but everybody misses them. Also the first Oreo was created on March, 6 1912. There used to be a lemon meringue Oreo but they stopped production in the 1920s.

  3. There’s a tool for dipping your Oreos in Milk easier ( or water if you can’t have milk and you are like my friend who thinks they are toooo sweet)

      1. Umm I don’t know who invented it but it is called the Dipr. It is a long curved stick to fit in the glass and it holds the Oreo in a snug postition so you can easily dunk your Oreo in milk without getting all wet with milk.

      2. This tool is called The Dior and it’s supposed to be a hook-like tool to dip your cookies without loosing any part of it. I have not tried it but I might someday.

  4. (Ruby is now talking)Double- stuf is a lie! It’s rigged! The frosting/icing is not exactly doubled! Ahhhhhhhhh! It’s actually only 1.86 times bigger instead of double! It’s a tragedy! It’s a trick!( Fiona is now talking) But it’s ok because we don’t need too much sugar and the cookie is the same size. (Ruby)But it’s not! It’s a marketing disaster. And Oreo thins. Don’t get me started with these. Fiona doesn’t like the filling so she’s okay with it but it’s not! (Fiona) Americans already eat way too much junk food! I think it is ok that it is A LITTLE BIT under double!(Ruby) .14 percent under!! Just a little. Our life’s are on the line of extinction! Don’t let this marketing deal get away! It’s a big deal! (Fiona) I do agree that they SHOULD NOT call it double stuff if it isn’t even DOUBLE! THEY SHOULDNT CALL IT DOUBLE STUFF, THEY SHOULD CALL IT 1.86 TIMES MORE!!!!(RUBY) I know you get my point but what would Einstein think of this! It’s a disgrace to human kind!

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