All posts by lspady

2020-21 Weekly Challenge #22: Doodling

Doodle and Learn!

Vi Hart is one of my absolute favorite mathematicians and doodlers (I’m sure she has many more talents, but those 2 are the ones I admire the most).  Watch some, part, all of the videos below and create a doodle for this week’s weekly challenge (also probably the last challenge for the 2020-21 school year).  Don’t forget to submit your doodle using the link below!


Submit Your Work Here:

#84 Doodling in Math Class

What?  Did that say DOODLING?  Yes!

Have fun learning about math while doodling from one of my favorite mathematicians/doodlers…Vi Hart!

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #84 Doodling in Math Class
  2.  Choose 3 of the videos on this post to watch.
  3. Create a doodle page for each showing what you learned.
  4. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#55: 1-hand book review

Before you share a book with a friend, it helps to share a quick, ‘handy’ book review. Learn how in this mini spark.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your mini spark recording page: #59: 1 hand book review

2. Read over these instructions and write down the 5 sentence starters on your recording page.

3. Choose a book that you have recently read and enjoyed. Write the title on your recording page.

4. Open this sheet and read it. You can print it if you want. You will use this as a guide to writing your own.

5. Create your own script on your recording page.

6. Choose at least two people and read your 1-hand book review to them.

7. Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.



#59: 1 hand book review

Before you share a book with a friend, it helps to share a quick, ‘handy’ book review. Learn how in this mini spark.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #59: 1 hand book review

2. Read over these instructions and write down the 5 sentence starters on your recording page.

3. Choose a book that you have recently read and enjoyed. Write the title on your recording page.

4. Open this sheet and read it. You can print it if you want. You will use this as a guide to writing your own.

5. Create your own script on your recording page.

6. Choose at least two people and read your 1-hand book review to them.

7. Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.



Anne Dittrick Sonnet Writing Contest (due April 30)

Middle School Division Guidelines

The contest is open to all middle school students (grades 6th – 8th). Contest winners and will receive:

  • A Shakespeare On The Green gift.

  • Reserved seating at Shakespeare On The Green for the winner and their family.

  • The winning entry will be published in the souvenir program for Shakespeare on the Green and read by a Company member On The Green




Service Learning Opportunity for Summer 2021

The Munroe-Meyer Recreational Therapy Program would like to invite you to volunteer!

The program offers student volunteers, ages 13 to 25, hands on experience interacting with children and youth with developmental disabilities.  If you are interested in health care or teaching, this would be a great opportunity.  Find out more and/or apply by clicking the link below.

More Information & Application:

#83 The Luhn Algorithm

The Luhn algorithm or Luhn formula, also known as the modulus 10″ or “mod 10” algorithm, was developed in the 1960s as a method of validating whether or not identification numbers provided by a user are accurate.

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #83 The Luhn Algorithm
  2. Look over this chart.   What do you notice about each of the rows?

3. Read this article about the formula and how it is used in real life to catch errors when shopping online.

4. Research the creator Peter Luhn and make a timeline about his life.

5. In this video you will learn how to use the Luhn Algorithm. Make the table on paper as you watch.

6. Complete the math challenge presented by CEMC math . Print it out, read the page and look at the different strategy that they present to you.  Work on the challenge presented.

7. Check you work with this answer key.

8. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

2020-21 Weekly Challenge #20: Engineers Week

For this week’s Weekly Challenge, you’ll have an opportunity to learn about various types of Engineers, complete some math problems, and possibly win PRIZES!
  • There will be 5 problems posted this week (linked below) and each problem has multiple parts.  You can submit your answers to the problems anytime during EWeek (Feb 21-27), so don’t panic if you get started late!
  • Each correct answer you get will be a ticket in that day’s prize drawing.
  • Everyone who participates will be entered in a prize drawing! Submit answers to at least one Problem of the Day and you’ll be entered to win, even if you don’t get correct answers.
  • Each individual prize drawing winner will get a $10 Amazon gift card and each group drawing winner will receive a $50 gift card to the MATHCOUNTS store!

Monday’s Problem (Environmental Engineering):

Tuesday’s Problem (Systems Engineering):

Wednesday’s Problem (Software Engineering):

Thursday’s Problem (Aerospace Engineering):

Friday’s Problem (Chemical Engineering):

#82: Math in a book

Calling all math detectives!! This is a challenge that combines writing and math.

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #82: Math in a book
  2. Watch this video and pause it at 34 seconds. Try to figure out the pattern that this poem uses. Hint: It has to do with math. Write down your guess. Continue watching.
  3. When you are done, create your own short poem using the first 10, 15 or 20 numbers as your guide. Write your poem on your recording page.
  4. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.