All posts by lspady

Family Code Night

You’re invited to Family Code Night at Westside Middle School. Bring the whole family for a fun evening of computer programming. Don’t know how to computer program? No worries, there will be plenty of activities for the whole family to learn.
Date: December 7
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Location: Westside Middle School Library
Stations Include:
Sign-Up Here:

L. Arts Mini-Spark #31: Growth Mindset Part 2

What did you learn today?  What mistake did you make that taught you something?  What did you try hard at today? ~Carol Dweck

Learn more about Growth and Fixed Mindset by completing the LearnStorm course on Khan Academy.  There are 6 activities total and each one has an accompanying worksheet (linked below).

You can either print the activity sheets yourself by clicking the links above, or you can ask your classroom teacher or the EY Coordinator at your building for copies.  When you are finished with all the activities, hand in your papers to your classroom teacher or EY Coordinator.  Make sure to fill out the Badge Request Form to earn your Mindset Badge.

brain image taken from:

# 19: Learn about Nebraska

Nebraska is the 16th largest state by land area, covering just over 77,220 square miles. The state flower is the goldenrod and the state bird is the meadowlark.  This Social Studies Enrichment post has you digging into Nebraska information and history.

1. Set up your social studies mini spark recording page: # 19: Learn about Nebraska

2. Visit these sites and find 10-15 pieces of information on your recording page about Nebraska. Try to look for details to record you did not already know.

3. Visit National Geographic Kids and read about Nebraska.  Record at least one idea from each of the sections on this website. Look for information that you did not already know as you are writing information.


4. Create an interview between you and the state of Nebraska. Remind your teacher that the answers can be found in the social studies mini spark page.

Sample script

Reporter– Hello, Nebraska Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. What does the name “Nebraska” mean, and which river is it associated with?

Nebraska-Of course, thank you for the opportunity. The name “Nebraska” comes from Native American words meaning “flat water,” referring to the Platte River

You can use these question prompts or choose your own.  Include at least 3 questions and answers.

  1. What evidence do archaeologists have that people have lived in Nebraska for at least 13,500 years?
  2. List three Native American tribes mentioned in the text that developed in Nebraska.
  3. What significant purchase did France make in 1803, and how did it affect Nebraska?
  4. Describe the route taken by some of the first settlers arriving in Nebraska. What challenges did they face?
  5. What does the name “Nebraska” mean, and which river is it associated with?
  6. Identify the two major regions of Nebraska mentioned in the text and describe one characteristic of each.
  7. How did the melting glaciers contribute to the geography of the Dissected Till Plains?
  8. What types of wildlife are mentioned as common in Nebraska, and which species is noted for being rare?
  9. How does the High Plains Aquifer contribute to Nebraska’s agriculture?
  10. What is Carhenge, and how does it compare to England’s Stonehenge?

5. Share your social studies mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator


#30: Growth Mindset Part 1

Do you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset?  Does it depend on the situation?  Do you believe you are born with innate talents and gifts?  Find the answers to these questions and more by checking out the resources below.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #30: Growth Mindset Part 1

2. Watch this video from John Spencer. On your recording sheet record 3-4 details that were new to you, interesting, or sounded important.

3. Watch the 3D animated short short Soar. Write a detailed description of the tiny flying machine, focus on component parts.

4. Respond to 2 of these prompts on your recording sheet after watching the video, Soar.

  • A theme is the message or lesson that the author wants you to learn from the story. The theme is often inferred. What themes are present in this animation?
  • What did the characters learn?
  • Did all the characters learn the same thing?
  • How did the characters grow throughout the animation?
  • How does this animation fit with what we know about growth vs. fixed mindset?
  • What message can we take from this animation and how might it apply to our lives?

5. Read this article, “A Quick Note About Getting Better at Difficult Things”. Record the answers to questions 1-4 on your recording sheet, question 5 is optional.

6. Read the poem, “I PRACTICED” by JonArno Lawson.  Choose 1 of these prompts and respond with 5 sentences.

  •  Think of an activity or skill that you have practiced a lot. Why do you practice it? Do you think becoming perfect at a skill should be the goal of practice? Why or why not?
  •  Do you think practicing a lot makes you successful? Why doesn’t the speaker succeed at the skill even though they practice all the time?
  • In the poem, the speaker describes practicing a new skill, but not doing it. How do you think fear could stop someone from trying a new skill or activity?

7. Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Check out the Growth or Fixed Mindset Badge at the EY Website

Early Enrichment #36: Sign Language

Do you know sign language?  Can you spell your name in sign language?  The next 5 Early Enrichment Mini Challenges will help you to learn how to sign your name, common requests, and more!

Week 1:  Animals

After watching the videos, you can…

  1. create a video of yourself doing 5 animal signs.
  2. work with a partner (if it’s OK with your teacher) and create a video of 10 animal signs.
  3. make a class video where each child does a different animal sign.

Image taken from:

#37: What’s so special about that number?

Why is 2 important?  It’s the only even prime number! Spend some time learning about special numbers in this math mini spark.

Spark your math thinking!

1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #37: What’s so special about that number?

2. Explore this article and find out about 4 types of special numbers. Write the name of each type and some examples on your recording page.

3. Look over this example.

Answer these questions

  • How many of the numbers from 1 to 30 can you express as the difference of two perfect squares?
  • What is special about the difference between squares of consecutive numbers? Why?
  • What about the difference between the squares of two numbers which differ by 2? By 3? By 4…?
  • When is the difference between two square numbers odd?
    And when is it even?
  • What do you notice about the numbers you CANNOT express as the difference of two perfect squares?
  • Reminder for your teacher-The answers to these questions can be found in the math mini park folder.

4.  Set your time for 8 minutes and explore the Almanac of Interesting Numbers at Mathigon.  In what ways could teachers and students use this site? What ways is it useful? What suggestions do you have? Record your responses on your recording sheet.

5. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#25: An Eggstronaut Mission-Engineering Design Process Lesson

How do engineers tackle challenges? They employ the engineering design process to develop the most effective solution. We will guide you through this process step-by-step as we get ready to launch our eggstronaut on an interplanetary journey.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page:#25: An Eggstronaut Mission-Engineering Design Process Lesson

2. Print this engineering design process recording page  or create sections on your recording page for each of the topics on this handout.

3. Learn about the engineering process by watching this video, An Eggstronaut Mission. As the narrator explains each step, pause the video to fill out the form with the information or type each of the steps on your recording page. Hint: When she says the problem you are going to solve write it down, when she says the ways to research, write them down an so on.

4. Watch this video and record how making tacos for a party follows the Engineering Design Process. On your recording page explain the taco making process and how it follows the engineering design process. Use 3-5 sentences.

5. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page and your handout if you printed one with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Use this mini spark as task 2 for the Engineering Design Badge at the EY website.

ASA Statistics Poster Competition

Image taken from

The American Statistical Association (ASA) is dedicated to and involved in enhancing statistics education at all levels.  Check out their annual Poster Contest for students in grades K-12.

Posters are due each year on April 1.

What is a statistical poster? A statistical poster is a display containing two or more related graphics that summarize a set of data, look at the data from different points of view, and answer specific questions about the data.

Check out additional details/rules and look at the winners from last year by visiting the ASA website.

More Writing Opportunities

Stone Soup
  • Stone Soup welcomes submissions from around the world by writers and artists ages 13 and younger.
  • To get an idea of the kind of work Stone Soup has published in the past, look through our Archive of Children’s Writing.
  • Deadline: Ongoing

For more information, visit:

Amazing Kids! Magazine
  • This contest is open to kids ages 7 – 18 with separate age categories (7 – 9, 10 – 11, 12 – 14, and 15 – 18).
  • One winner will be selected in each category to win the choice of either a Solitaire Chess game or FootBubbles along with an official certificate verifying their winning entry and publication in the Amazing Kids! Magazine.
  • All entries are due by October 1.

For more information, visit:

Mrs. P’s ‘Be a Famous Writer’ Contest
  • Mrs. P’s 9th Annual “Be-A-Famous-Writer” Contest is open to students in  Kindergarten through 4th grade.  
  • The contest starts October 15, 2017 and the 2017 theme is dragons.
  • To get an idea of the kind of work chosen in the past, visit:
  • Deadline is December 15, 2017 (winners announced January 30, 2018)

For more information, visit: