Category Archives: Uncategorized

Early Enrichment #1: Pebble Go or Pebble Go Next


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Do love to learn new things? Pebble Go or Pebble GO Next is your go-to for facts, pictures, videos, and games!

  1. Choose a topic to learn about
  2. Learn 10 things
  3. After doing research at Pebble Go, create a pic collage, apple clip, explaineEverything, or your favorite presentation tool to share your findings.
  4. Share this presentation with your teacher. Respond to this post and share what topic you choose to research.



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Research to find out more about the parts of a plant

1. Watch this video

2. Study the parts of a plant at this site- kids growing strong

Show What You’ve Learned

You are a botanist who has just discovered a new type of plant. As every good scientist does, you will document your exciting finding. Design a fact sheet highlighting your new plant discovery. Be sure to include the following key pieces of information:

• your plant’s name
• your plant’s basic needs
• your plant’s parts
• where your plant lives
• a colored illustration of your plant in its natural habitat

Your fact sheet might have text features like labels, captions, maps, bold words, subheadings, and more.

lesson idea adapted from

#1: Zenzizenzizenzic

Wow…that’s a mouthful!  I wonder how many points that would be worth in Scrabble?  Explore the meaning of this bizarre sounding word by completing some Math Minutes this week!

Spark your math thinking!

1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #1: Zenzizenzizenzic

2. Listen to how to pronounce the word Zenzizenzizenzic 5 times. Say it 5 times to practice. Can you say it FAST 5 times?

3. Find out the meaning of zenzizenzizenzic by reading this article. Record 2 sentences about this word.

4. Make a tiny Z math dictionary page.  Your page should have the word and definition for at least ten Z math words. Here are some other ideas of Z math words. You can use these or find your own.

Z-Intercept     Zenith     Zero Divisors    Zero Element    Zero slope  Zodiac  Zone

5. Find out how many points zenzizenzizensic would be worth in Scrabble using this online scrabble calculator. Record the points on your recording sheet.

6.  Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.



Teach the World!

If you’ve ever said to yourself as you watch an online video lesson, “There has to be a better video on this!” now is your chance to make that happen.  The Khan Academy team is looking for teachers to share their lessons online through video.  Check out the video below and go for it!  It would be awesome to have Westside students, as well as students all over the world, learning from you!

A World Without…


Have you ever wondered what the world would be like without certain modern day conveniences that we often take for granted?  Consider this, the first bicycle was invented almost 200 years ago in 1817.  It didn’t even have pedals!  You had to scoot it along with your feet!  How would the world be different today had the bicycle never entered the scene?  What about other modern day conveniences that make life easier today?  Comment below with a list of your top 3 inventions that would have the greatest impact on our lives today had they not been invented.

Have invention ideas that you think just might change the world?  Check out this video for some inspiration and remember, “It’s okay to make mistakes!  It’s not okay to stop!”

Share your ideas in the comments below!

#5: Sensory Language

Sensory language includes words or phrases that connect to the five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. It creates vivid mental images and engages the reader’s mind on multiple levels.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #5: Sensory Language

2. Watch this video. Record an example for each of the senses on your recording page.

3.  Look over the story prompts on this list. Choose 3 that you like. Record them on your recording page.

4. Make a section on your recording page for each of these words:  sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

5. Spend 5 minutes brainstorming details for your character, setting, and events. Choose  descriptive words that connect the reader to your story by using the senses.

6. Write your story on your recording page.

  • There is not a required length for your story
  • Your story needs to have a clear beginning, middle and end
  • Make sure you have a problem/conflict that is presented and resolved
  • Make it great by including at least 10 sensory details.

7. OPTIONAL: If you would like to write more stories using this guide, please do! Share all of your stories with your teacher/EY coordinator.

8.  Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Lesson adapted from

Student Created Wonderopolis Pages

The grade 4, 5,  and 6 studentScreen Shot 2015-04-17 at 12.48.18 PMs have spent the last several weeks creating Wonderopolis pages to share. Each student picked a topic, came up with question to answer, researched this topic in great detail, and set out to work on creating an informational product.

This is the link to find the projects– > EY WIKI

Please check out these projects. They turned out wonderfully!


Wonderopolis has a Online Summer Screen Shot 2015-05-06 at 12.09.21 PMEnrichment Program  that I am going to check out for my own kids

We have many children who will be invited to attend the Extreme Math Day on May 13th.

Look for invites towards the end of this week. It will be a fun day of math puzzles!

If you are looking for some math problem solving, Noetic math has a few free online math contest practice resources @,

If you like those you could consider subscribing to the sumScreen Shot 2015-05-06 at 12.24.17 PMmer program @

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns

A Redefinition of Gardens

Mary Mary Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?garden

#17 Wonder of the Day: Can You Garden in the City?

Do you have a garden?  What is the most unique thing you’ve grown in a garden?  Maybe you’re thinking you’d like to have a garden, but you don’t have the yard space or know how to get started.  Well this is the Wonder for you!

Springtime is a great time to start planting a garden and this Wonderopolis Wonder talks about many things related to gardening!

  • Watch the short video at the beginning
  • Read the Wonder (or have it read to you)
  • Complete the Did You Get It? at the end
  • Leave a comment and let us know something new you learned.  You could also tell us about your own garden if you have one, or tell us what you’d like to plant if you could start a garden.  When leaving a comment, use your first name only.  Include your grade and school (i.e. Trevor, 3, Sunset)

Author Visit

At the beginning of the school year, Westside Middle School students were given the opportunity to be beta readers for a young adult novel.  Author Angela Prusia has always had beta readers for her novels, but this was the first time she asked students to give her feedback.  After the book was released in February, Angela noted:

“I’m so grateful for all the amazing feedback from your students on my book, Cafeteria Food, which I renamed Nameless after several students’ suggestions! Hands down, their feedback was better than what I normally receive from adults.”

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Fourteen students’ names made it on the acknowledgment page in Angela’s book.  She is excited to offer the students another opportunity to be beta readers for the next two books in this trilogy (another decision she made based on the beta readers’ feedback).

During her visit at Westside Middle School, Angela had the students write several different pieces during a Writer’s Workshop.  Click here to download a compilation of their work.