Category Archives: Learning Opportunities

#53: Character Quotes

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #53: Character Quotes

Step 1:  Download Adobe Spark Post for Graphics from Manager.  Here’s a quick video tutorial on how to login.  You can also go to on a computer.

Step 2:  Create a new project that includes a quote from a character in a book you’ve read or from a book you’re currently reading.  Be sure to add the title of the book and the author.

Step 3:  Download your project and share it with your teacher

7. Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#78 If I had a million…

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #78 If I had a million…
  2. For inspiration, listen to How Much Is A Million by David M. Schwartz.

3. Explore the length of ONE MILLION objects.  You have two options for your recording sheet:  you can either print a copy or fill out a digital version. You can also make the charts on your recording page.

4. Create a visual to display your information.  You can use an app of your choice on your iPad or computer.  You can also draw/color on paper. 

5. Share your math mini spark recording page and ONE MILLION object page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

# 77 Organizing Data

We are surrounded by information (data) and it’s important to organize it into presentable and easy to understand ways!  For this math spark, you are going to display some information of your choice.

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: # 77 Organizing Data
  2. Start by watching The Great Graph Contest.

3.  Now, choose a topic that you want to graph, the information, and the way you represent it.

4.  Write 5 questions that can be answered from your information. Please also include the answers to your questions.

5. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#41: STEAM Challenge: Paper Plate

Are you ready for a fun PAPER PLATE building challenge? Grab a paper plate, scissors and tape, and let’s get started! With just these three materials, you can create amazing structures.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #41: STEAM Challenge: Paper Plate

2. Look over your STEAM Challenge:

3. Make a sketch of what your structure will look like and any ideas that you have. Add a picture of your sketch to your recording page.

4. Gather the materials you will need. Ask an adult to help you find a paper plate if necessary.

5.  Take a picture of your supplies before you start. Add the picture to your recording sheet.

6. Take a picture of you final project at add it to your recording sheet. Explain your project,  what you did well on this challenge and where you can improve.

7. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Use your project as one of the activities for the STEAM with Paper Plates Badge at the EY Website.


Early Enrichment Spark #50 – Turkey Time

Step 1 – Have you ever wondered why turkey is often a dish enjoyed at Thanksgiving Dinner? Check out this Wonderopolis to learn all about this tradition. Click below.

Now, that you have learned a little about this tradition, let’s get creative!

Step 2 – Watch this video for step-by-step directions on how to draw an adorable turkey. Grab a piece of paper and drawing utensil and click on the video below.

Remember, you can pause the video if you need more time.

Step 3 – Display your turkey drawing in your house for others to enjoy!

#40: STEAM Career Collection

November 8th is national STEAM day!

STEAM Day is an opportunity to focus on helping kids advance in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Celebrate STEAM any day of the year by learning about careers that fall under each letter.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #40: STEAM Career Collection

2. Get your STEAM carrer collection page. You can print a copy of this recording page or make a digital copy

3. Go to this website and read about the different careers. Write each title in the chart under the correct letter.

4. On your sheet, put a start next to any that sound interesting.

5. After choosing careers to summarize, read the next three paragraphs at the website, answer these questions on your recording page.

  • Why have the arts been underemphasized in favor of an education focused on math and science?
  • How can a STEAM education translate to career success?
  • What do we lose as a society when we don’t acknowledge the importance of arts in education?

6. OPTIONAL. Do some more research to find other jobs not listed. Not sure what category the careers that you find fall under? That happens because all of the parts of STEAM are connected and work together! You choose where you put the other careers you find.

7. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Check out the My Future is so Bright I Gotta Wear Shades Badge at the EY website.

#52: Thank You Notes

An act of expressing your appreciation through a few words, a thank you note, is an important way to show your gratitude for someone and their time. In this mini spark you will learn about the basics and create a thank you note for Veteran’s Day.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #52: Thank You Notes

2. Veteran’s Day is November 11th, visit this website to learn more about the history of Veterans Day. Record 5 details about the history of veteran’s day to your recording page.

3. Learn the basics of writing a thank you note. Write each bold prase on your recording page as you read step 3.

Greeting. Don’t forget to make sure you’re using the correct form and spelling of the person’s name. Put a comma after the greeting.

  • Dear Aunt Sharon and Uncle Bob,

Express your thanks. Begin with the two most important words: Thank you.

  • Thank you so much for…
  • It made my day when I opened…
  • I’m so grateful you were there when…

Add specific details. Tell them how you plan to use or display their gift. It shows them that you really appreciate the thought that went into it. Even if it’s cold hard cash, describe how you’ll spend the stuff.

  • Here’s a picture of me with my new briefcase. I look so professional!
  • I can’t wait to use the birthday money you sent to decorate my dorm room.
  • The going-away party meant so much to me. Having all my friends and family in one place was something I’ll never forget.

Look ahead. Mention the next time you might see them, or just let them know you’re thinking of them.

  • We look forward to seeing you next month at Lucy’s party.

Restate your thanks. Add details to thank them in a different way.

  • Again, thank you for your generosity. I’m so excited about college. I’ll let you know all about it when I get settled.
  • We felt so blessed that you made the trip to be with us on our wedding day. We can’t wait to see you again soon!

End with your regards. “Sincerely” is a safe standby, but for closer relationships, you might choose a warmer option.

  • With love,
  • Many thanks,
  • Yours truly,

4. Read over this graphic about writing thank you notes. Write 3-5 reminders on your recording page.

5. Try it! On your recording page, use the steps from #3 and write a thank you note. You can write a pretend note to a fictional person or you can write one to someone who you would like to thank for helping you.

6.  OPTIONAL: Use this template or use your recording page to write a thank you note to a Veteran. If you do not personally know a veteran, you can write a general thank you to all Veterans.

7. Share your language arts mini spark recording page and your thank you note with your teacher/EY coordinator.


Early Enrichment Mini-Spark #49: Heroes

In the last Early Enrichment Mini-Spark, you were shown how to make your own pipe-cleaner superhero. That was fun!!

But, did you know that not all heroes have superpowers and/or wear capes?

Lots of stories have heroes or heroines! Think about this question: What does it take to be a hero?

Think about that question while you go to the link below to watch and listen to a story about Ping.

After watching/listening to the story, answer the following questions in the comments below:

1. Was Ping a hero? Why or why not?

2. What qualities or character traits did he have that could be considered heroic?

3. What qualities or character traits did he have that might not be considered heroic?

And, finally…

4. What does it take to be a hero?



#40: The Shang Dynasty

The Shang Dynasty is the earliest ruling dynasty of China to be established in recorded history, though other dynasties predated it. The Shang ruled from 1600 to 1046 B.C.. They were known for their advances in math, astronomy, artwork and military technology.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your social studies mini spark recording page: #40: The Shang Dynasty

2. Watch this video and record 5-8 details on your recording page.

3. Study this article about Shang Dynasty. Add  5+ details to your recording page.

4. Create a colorful fact page with 8-10 facts that you learned.  You can make your fact page digitally or on paper.

5. Share your social studies mini spark recording page and fact page with your teacher/EY coordinator.



#51: Happy Spelling!

It is fun to learn how to spell new words. This mini spark is a great way to find new words to practice. Happy Spelling!

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #51: Happy Spelling!

2. Find practice words. Look through the choices and find the list that is right for you

grade 3  

grade 4   

grade 5   

grade 6   

grade 7  

grade 8

3. Choose 15 words from the grade level that suits you and add them to your recording page.

4. Study the spelling of your new words.

5. When you are ready, have a teacher, parent, or peer give you a spelling test over the 5 hardests words on your list. Use your recording page for the test.

6. Share your language arts mini spark recording page and your test with your teacher/EY coordinator.