When: Friday, April 8 at 1:30 pm
Where: PAC at WMS
If you are interested in participating, please email Dr. Spady at spady.lynn @ westside66.net
image source: https://pixabay.com/vectors/buzzer-hand-button-press-ringing-158285/
image source: https://pixabay.com/vectors/buzzer-hand-button-press-ringing-158285/
CS Ed Week is December 6-12 and it is an annual event to inspire students to learn about computer science, advocate for equity, and celebrate the contributions of students, teachers, and partners in the CS field. https://www.csedweek.org/
1. Sign in with google @ code. org
2. Go to course catalog on the top left
3. Scroll down and click on hour of code view more choices.
4. Take a screenshot of your certificate when your project is complete.
1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #66: How to use a semicolon
2. Watch the video. Pause the video as needed to record notes. Pay special attention to any words that are new to you, rules, specific examples and sample sentences. These items should all be included on your recording page. You should have at least 5 items on your note page when you are done.
3. Write two sentences of your own and include them on the note taking page.
4. Share your language arts mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.
Lesson video by Emma Bryce, animation by Karrot Entertainment.
1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #64: Misplaced Modifiers
2. Look at this example of an incorrectly placed modifier and write it on your recording page.
Perched up high on a tree branch, I yelled at the cat to leave the sparrow alone.
Meaning: I don’t tangle with a tabby unless I am perched 10 feet up in the air.
3. Look at this example of a correctly placed modifier and write it on your recording page.
Seeing a sparrow perched up high on a tree branch, I yelled at the cat to leave him alone.
Meaning: ohhhh….the sparrow is up in the tree. Watch out little sparrow!
4. Read this teaching page to look over some modifier examples. Record 5 details on your recording sheet.
5. Watch this TED Ed video and record at least 5 notes about modifiers and their placement, dangling , and squinting modifiers.
6. Create a teaching page explaining modifiers along with with examples of how they are used. Include your own sentence with a misplaced modifier and then correct the sentence so that the reader understands the meaning.
7. Optional: Do more research about misplaced, dangling and squinting modifiers. Include what you learned in your visual.
8. Share your language arts mini spark recording page and your visual with your teacher/EY coordinator.
1. Draw a picture on paper or using an app on your iPad. Start with something simple like an animal. I drew this cow using Drawing Pad. Take a picture of your drawing or take a screenshot.
2. Go to Safari and type in bitsbox.com and in the upper right corner select “kids sign in” and use your Westside Google Account to sign in
3. From there, the video below should walk you through the steps.
Pre-Testing in math is more than just a way to separate your students into two groups for a unit: those who already know it and those who don’t. The data collected from a pre-test should inform your instruction for the unit and help you to adjust your plans…move quicker, skip it, do a more creative activity, etc. For more information on quality pre-tests, check out Byrdseed Six Traits of Quality Pre-Assessments.
7. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.
NOTE: This mini-spark can be used as 1 spreadsheet lesson for the Spreadsheet Superstar Badge.