All posts by lspady

Early Enrichment #37: Shark Teeth and Shark Rules

There are so many cool facts about sharks to learn.  There are a also so many rules for sharks to follow at school.
                        What!? Sharks at school?
Get out your notebook and dive into this mini shark lesson.
1. Please read this Wonderopolis article about sharks and take notes.
Please record at least 4 ideas and/or drawings from the article in your notebook.
2. Listen to the book Clark the Shark

Write down all of the rhymes that Clark creates in your notebook.
You should have at least 4 of Clark’s rhymes written in your notebook when you are done.
Your assignment
Create 3, 4 or 5 of your OWN rhymes that would teach Clark how to behave at school and follow school rules. Write or type your rhymes and share them with your teacher. 

#62: Aibohphobia

Aibohphobia: the fear of palindromes

What’s there to be afraid of?  Palindromes are so cool!  Whether the phobia is real or made up, palindromes are definitely real and this week we’re going to have some fun with them!

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #62: Aibohphobia
  2. A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of symbols or elements, whose meaning may be interpreted the same way in either forward or reverse direction (i.e. mom, wow, racecar, 10501, etc.).  Create a list of palindromes using this resource.
  3. Did you know that any number can be written as the sum of 3 palindromes?  It’s true!  Check out this Numberphile video. Record 5 details.


4. On your recording sheet, answer these questions after watching the video

  • Describe the specific example used in the video to demonstrate how to write a positive integer as the sum of three palindrome numbers.
  • How does the presenter compare the process of finding the palindrome numbers to solving a Sudoku puzzle?

5. Practice your multiplication by playing Palindrome Products. Take a screenshot when you are done and add it to your recording page.

6. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#27: Spider Silk

Spiders are master builders, and the webs built by these tiny creatures can be used as a source of inspiration                                      for scientists.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #27: Spider Silk

2. Read this article at Wonderopolis. Answer these questions on your recording sheet.

  • How strong is silk?
  • Where does silk come from?
  • What are some modern uses for spider silk?

3. Watch this video and record 5 new pieces of information on your recording page.

4. Now that you’ve discovered that spider silk is remarkably strong and has potential applications in body armor, explore other innovative concepts for utilizing spider silk. Do a 5 minute brainstorming session. What additional items could be created using spider silk? Perhaps climbing ropes for mountaineering? Or even nets for fishing? Challenge your imagination and consider other possible uses for this extraordinarily strong spider silk. Record all of your ideas on your recording page.

5. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.





#61: Math Contest

Who’s up for a contest? Mathematics competitions or mathematical olympiads are competitive events where participants complete a math test. Help to prepare for these events by doing a short practice contest.

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #61: Math Contest
  2. Find the contest choices here
  3. You MAY use a calculator, but please work by yourself!
  4. Pick the grade level that fits you
  5. Do all of the work on your recording page and click “I am done” at the bottom. It will score your contest for you.
  6. Take a screenshot of your contest and share it along with your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Check out the math contest master badge for more contest practice

#60: Millions, Billions and Trillions

I really thought I knew everything there was to know about a million, billion and trillion until I came across a Numberphile video with new information!  If you’re up for a challenge and making your brain stretch a little, then this math mini spark is for YOU!

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #60: Millions, Billions and Trillions
  2. How Much is a Million by David M Schwartz is one of many picture books I have on my bookshelf.  It’s a great book to help visualize what a million, billion, and trillion look like.  Listen to this book .
  3. A Million Dots by Andrew Clements is another one of my favorites.  In the book, you will actually see ONE MILLION dots!  Don’t believe me?  You can count them yourself!
  4. Print a copy (or have your teacher print you a copy) of this worksheet. You can also record the sentences and charts on your recording page.
  5. Watch this numberphile video How Big is a Billion?

6. Fill out the sentences starters and the chart after watching the video.

7. Share your math mini spark recording page and your chart with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#34: Dragons are Real!

Dragons have been an important character in fairy tales and fantasy stories for ages.  Fire breathing dragons may not exist, but if you consider a dragon to be a supersize reptile with a wicked bite…then have I have a dragon for you.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your language arts mini spark recording page: #34: Dragons are Real!

2. The Komodo dragon is the real deal!  A komodo dragon, that weighs about 300 pounds, kill a water buffalo that is over twice its size! Read this article and take at least 5 notes on your recording page.

3. Reptile Discovery Center is home to two male Komodo dragons named Murphy and Onyx.  Go to this research page and read more about them and add 3 more notes to your recording page.

4.  Komodo dragons only live in one country in the world, Indonesia.  Indonesia is made up of several islands.  Komodo dragons reside on some of the islands, but not all of them.  This website will show you some other interesting facts about Indonesia—home of the Komodo dragon. Keep taking notes. Add 3-5 more details to your recording page. You will use them for your final project.

5. Make a Komodo Dragon teaching page on paper or digitally. Include at least 10 facts, 3 images, and a map.

6. Share your language arts mini spark recording page and your final project with your teacher/EY coordinator.



#59: World’s Favorite Cookie

What is your favorite kind of cookie?  These are some of my favorite treats. Check out his math mini spark about the world’s favorite cookie! Yum!

Spark your math thinking!

1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #59: World’s Favorite Cookie

2. Watch this video about one of America’s favorite cookies.  Jot down some facts as  you watch the video.


3. Complete this quiz after watching.  Record your score on your answer sheet.

4. Check out this website listing 15 interesting facts about the “World’s Favorite Cookie”.  Record something new and interesting you read.

5. Work on this Bedtime Math post about Oreos. The answers are at the bottom of the webpage so don’t scroll all of the way down.

The Truth about Double-Stuf Oreos


6. Celebrate National Oreo day! Read facts about this day and record what you learned.

7. Oreo Thins have a diameter of 4.5 centimeters and a thickness of 7.5 millimeters.  record your answers to the following questions on your recording page. Look up the formulas if needed.

 What is the Circumference of an Oreo Thin?

What is the Area of an Oreo Thin?

 How tall would a stack of 10 Oreo Thins be?

8. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

#58: Watch a Math Video Everyday

Research has been conducted on the effectiveness of using video in the classroom. Videos are better than the written word when it comes to information retention, education, and overall experience.  Videos have a way of making information “stick” and we are in a day and age were we have access to a plethora of videos that can help us learn.

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #58: Watch a Math Video Everyday
  2. Print this worksheet.
  3. As you watch a video, jot down new and/or interesting information on your recording page.  What connections can you make?  Which video did you find the most interesting?  Silly?  Entertaining?
  4. Watch at least 3 of the videos to earn this mini spark.
  5. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Check out the Math Video Menu Badge on the EY Badge Page.


Battle of the Books 2019 Post #2

Calling all 4th-6th graders!  It’s time to start thinking about BOTB 2019!

Fast Facts:

  • Students will form teams of three or four students. Teams may have five students, but at most four students may compete in any round.
  • Each team will provide at least one parent volunteer to assist during part of the competition in March, in addition to a team parent to accompany the team on battle day.
  • Since this is a team event, individual students do not have to read all of the books on the list to participate.
  • This event is open to all 4th through 6th grade students in the District.
  • Registration will begin in October
  • The battle will be held on the morning of March 30, 2019 at Westside Middle School.

Check out the September Flier for additional details and bookmark the BOTB website to get the most up-to-date information!

BOTB Book List: 2019 Golden Sower nominees

1. Soar by Joan Bauer

2. The Wild Robot by Peter Brown

3. All Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook by Leslie Connor

4. Moo: A Novel by Sharon Creech

5. Garvey’s Choice by Nikki Grimes

6. Slacker by Gordan Korman

7. Wish by Barbara O’Connor

8. Maxi’s Secrets: (Or, What You Can Learn from a Dog) by Lynn Plourde

9. Towers Falling by Jewell Parker Rhodes

10. Save Me a Seat by Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarajan

All of these books are available to borrow from the Omaha Public Library and will be available in the school libraries. If you would like to purchase books, check out The Bookworm, Half Price Books, or


#46: Timeline of Mathematics

In this math mini spark you will explore the accomplishment of mathematicians that have shaped our math world.

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #46: Timeline of Mathematics 
  2. Go to  Click on a mathematician and read about their contributions. On your recording page, make a tiny info page for the mathematician with 3-5 details.
  3. Choose several mathematicians from each century and add the info to your recording page.
  4. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.