Free Poetry Contest! Check it the 2017 winners at out at
Free Poetry Contest! Check it the 2017 winners at out at
It’s time to start sketching, because this year’s Doodle 4 Google contest is openOnce a year, K-12 students are invited to bring their imagination to life in a doodle of the Google logo, using any medium they choose.
Doodles are the fun, surprising, and sometimes spontaneous changes that are made to the Google logo to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of famous artists, pioneers, and scientists.
Check out the contest page to see past winners and to get some ideas! Start working on some sketches.
All information can be found @
List of Writing Contests that are possibilities
Anne Frank Essay Contest – Grades 5 – 8 – Entry due ___________________
Metro Reading Council Writing Contest – Grades K – 12 Entry due ___________________
Americanism Essay Contest – Grades 5 – 8 Entry due ___________________
Totem Head’s Story Contest-Categories for ages 8 and under all the way up to 18 years-Entry due ___________________
Virginia Frank Memorial Writing Contest – Grades 5 – 8 – Entry due ___________________
Learn about spending, saving, and setting smart financial goals by participating in this Money Confident Kids Website
Essay Prompt:
Discover and describe a true story of a time when your parent or guardian set a financial goal and then
achieved it. Include: the goal; a description of the spending and saving choices that were made to achieve the goal; and lessons that you can apply to your own future financial decisions
Here’s how it works:
1. Read an issue of Money Confident kids- Click here for an issue of Money Confident Kids
2. INTERVIEW a parent or guardian about money
3 . ASK about a time when he or she set a financial
goal and then made saving and spending choices to
achieve it.
4. WRITE a 200 – to 250 -word essay (based on your
interview) that describes the true story of achievement,
and what lessons you can apply to your own future
financial decisions.
Optional: Consider including a photo or drawing
with your essay!
5. ****CONTEST CLOSED*******
Submit to the EY coordinator in your building by October 1st, 2015
Click here for more information about the process, prizes and to find the entry form for the contest.
If you read the magazine, conduct an interview, and write an essay and would like to enter it in this contest, please fill out the entry form and send it to the EY coordinator in your school by Oct 1st. If you need help with getting the permission form printed out, or any part of this contest, please contact the EY coordinator at your school.
Contest Presented by T. Rowe Price
We are excited to offer a variety of opportunities this year. All students are welcome to attend unless otherwise noted. There will always be some sort of “ticket” that needs to be completed first. The “ticket” might be a qualifying test or a project you develop.
Westside Schools often get invited to special contests (math contests, quiz bowls, etc.) Those contests are not listed below, but make sure to check this site often for updates!
April 28: Science Olympiad-Ticket Due Tuesday, April 12 (Grades 3-4)
April 29: Film Seminar Due Friday, April 15 (Grade 6)
May 2: Art Seminar Due Tuesday April, 12th (Grades 4-6)
May 7 (Saturday): Coder Dojo 9:30-11:30 at Westgate Elementary Topic: TBD
September 3: Portfolio Pow-Wow (Tier II and III identified learners)
September 9: Coding Seminar (Grades 4-8)
September 10: German Seminar (Grades 5-6)
September 19: (Saturday) Coder Dojo (Grades K-6)
September 29: Invention Convention (Grades 5-6)
September 30: Invention Convention (Grades 2-4)
October 26 & 27: School Spelling Bees
October 29: Taking the Road Less Traveled @ Iowa State (WMS and WHS Girls)
November 11: Music with Andy Hackbarth (Grades 5-8)
November 17: Path to Personalization (Grades 4-6)
November 20: District Spelling Bee
November 21: (Saturday) Coder Dojo (Grades K-6) FULL!
November 24: Quiz Bowl
December 2: Explore Computer Science Day at UNO (Grades 5-6)
December 14 & 15: School Geography Bees
January 20: Extreme Math Day for Grade 5 (Ticket Due January 8)
January 21: Elementary STEMinar (Grades 4 – 6) (Ticket Due January 8)
February 6 (Saturday): Coder Dojo 9:30-11:30 at Westgate Elementary Topic: Bitsbox
March 10: Battle of the Books (click here for the book list)
March 11: District Speech Contest
March 12 (Saturday): Coder Dojo 1:00-3:00 at Westgate Elementary Topic: Unplugged Coding Activities
March 22: Westside/Ralston Battle of the Books
April 9 (Saturday): Coder Dojo 9:30-11:30 at Westgate Elementary Topic: TBD
If parents, teachers, or librarians are still interested in a traditional Battle of the Books competition, they are welcome to organize it.
Commonly Asked Questions
Q. Do I need to be in EY to participate?
A. No, any 3rd through 6th grade student who loves to read may participate.
Q. Do I need to form a team?
A. While the seminar won’t require a team, students are still encouraged to meet as a group and discuss the books. In the past, some schools have held discussions during lunch or after school.
Q. Do I have to read all the books to participate?
A. In order to be invited to the seminar, students must read and complete an activity for 10 of the 20 books. The activities and keynote can be found on our wiki (link below). NOTE: While reading all 20 books is not mandatory, students who read all of the books may have a better chance at the quiz bowl competition during the seminar.
During the week of November 10, 4th through 6th grade teachers will administer the qualifying geography bee test in the classroom. The top 10-14 students will compete in a school geography bee which will be run a little different this year.
On Tuesday, December 9, Hillside, Westbrook, Swanson, Loveland, and Sunset will have their geography bees at Underwood Hills on 90th and Western.
On Friday, December 12, Westgate, Paddock Road, Oakdale, Rockbrook, and Prairie Lane will have their geography bees at the Community Conference Center (CCC) on 108th and Grover.
School vehicles will be used to transport the students to Underwood Hills and the CCC where they will compete in the geography bee. Parents and family are welcome to attend.
Below is the tentative schedule for each day.
December 9 at Underwood Hills
December 12 at CCC
During the week of October 6, 4th through 6th grade teachers will administer the qualifying spelling test in the classroom. The top 10-14 students will compete in a school spelling bee which will be run a little different this year.
On Tuesday, October 21, Hillside, Westbrook, Swanson, Loveland, and Sunset will have their spelling bees at Underwood Hills on 90th and Western.
On Thursday, October 23, Westgate, Paddock Road, Oakdale, Rockbrook, and Prairie Lane will have their spelling bees at the Community Conference Center (CCC) on 108th and Grover.
School vehicles will be used to transport the students to Underwood Hills and the CCC where they will compete in the spelling bee. Parents and family are welcome to attend.
Below is the tentative schedule for each day.
October 21 at Underwood Hills
October 23 at CCC
We are excited to offer a variety of seminars this year. All students are welcome to attend, however there will always be some sort of “ticket” that needs to be completed first. The “ticket” might be a qualifying test or a project you develop.
Westside Schools often get invited to special contests (math contests, quiz bowls, etc.) Those contests are not listed below, but make sure to check this site often for updates!