All posts by lspady

20-21: Weekly Challenge #4 – Dot Challenge

Guess what?! It’s almost International Dot Day and we think it’s such a cool day that we made it into this week’s Weekly Challenge!

Step 1:  Watch “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds.

Step 2: Pick a way to celebrate International Dot Day from the activities listed below!

Timed Creative Challenge

Don’t look at the challenge until you are ready to get started. Have an adult or a friend print this it off for you. You need a pencil or colored pencils and a timer set to 3 minutes.

Timed Creative Challenge Sheet

Dot book study guide and writing projects

This guide has discussion questions and writing prompts for you to try!

Dot Book Study Guide

Dot Engineering

Design and create a structure with simple materials.

Dot Engineering 

Dot Art

Learn about pointillism using this art mini lesson.

Dot Art

Dot  Birthdays

You will research famous people who have made their mark on our world with this dot activity.

Dot Birthdays 

Step 3: Create a product demonstrating what you learned from your activity/activities.
Step 4: Submit your product for this week’s Weekly Challenge using this link:
NOTE: There is also a Dot Badge.  Check out the Recording Sheet here.

Weekly Challenge #2 Highlights

Wow!  We have such talented chefs in our district!

Thank you all for your submissions for Weekly Challenge #2 – Kitchen Challenge

Here are a few highlights…

Check out Alondra’s Flan recipe.  It comes from her family in Mexico. It would go perfectly with Elaina’s Italian rib roast!

Here is Sanjay making Veg Biryani:

Adeline’s raviolis look YUMMY!

So does Loren’s spaghetti!

Check out Ellie making a Russian dish called Pelmeni!

Here’s the chili recipe Mitchell’s great-grandpa used in his restaurant and Anna’s great-great grandma’s pancake recipe from Sweden.

Thanks again for all of your submissions!  Save a sample for me next time! 🙂

Ready for Weekly Challenge #3?  Click here!

#76 World Record Cat

Sure, most cats are soft and furry. But this one has gone bonkers. Sophie the cat holds the world record for the longest cat fur. Measuring more than 10 inches long, Sophie’s fur might be longer than your own hair.

Judging from the look on her face, we’re not sure she likes having all that fur…and you can’t blame her. Her owners have to brush her out 2-3 times every week to keep it neat. But now that she holds the Guinness World Record for furriest cat, maybe it’s worth it.

Spark your math thinking!

  1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #76 World Record Cat
  2. Check out this post about the world record cat, Sophie!
  3. Go to the world record’s page and read about Sophie.
  4. Create a PicCollage on the topic of Sophie and some of the facts . Do a bit of extra research to add a few more bits of information related to the topic.
  5. Research other animals that hold world records.  Add this information to your PicCollege.
  6. Create some of your own math problems using the data from the post about Sophie. Add these and the answers to your PicCollage.
  7. Share your math mini spark recording page and your PicCollage with your teacher/EY coordinator.

 source for lesson: BED TIME MATH Laura Overdeck

Early Enrichment # 46 Record Breaking Cat

Check out this post about the world record cat, Sophie!

California rescue cat Sophie sets new record for longest fur | Guinness World Records


Sure, most cats are soft and furry. But this one has gone bonkers. Sophie holds the world record for the longest cat fur. Measuring more than 10 inches long, Sophie’s fur might be longer than your own hair. Judging from the look on her face, we’re not sure she likes having all that fur…and you can’t blame her. Her owners have to brush her out 2-3 times every week to keep it neat. But now that she holds the Guinness World Record for furriest cat, maybe it’s worth it.

Your Turn

1. Create a pic collage with the topic from this and some of the facts from the article.

2. Choose a math question to answer from the list below depending on your age.

3. Add question and the the answer to your pic collage.

4. If you want to do more of these challenges, add the Bedtime Math site to your homescreen on your ipad.


Wee ones: If Sophie’s fur is 10 inches long and your hair is 6 inches long, whose is longer?

Little kids: The previous record holder, Colonel Meow, had fur 1 inch shorter than Sophie’s. How long was Colonel Meow’s fur?  Bonus: They say eating salmon (a type of fish) makes your hair soft and healthy. If Sophie eats salmon twice a day, how many times does she eat it in a week?

Big kids: If Sophie’s fur grows 1 inch every 2 months starting now, could it be 14 inches long by next May? (We’re starting September now.)  Bonus: If Sophie needs 2 more brushings this week (Wednesday through Saturday) on any 2 days, how many different pairs of days could she be brushed?

By Laura Overdeck


#36: Draw a 3D Art

Learn how to draw a 3D ladder and chair. These are  optical illusions from Trick Art for Kids by artist Jon Harris.

Spark your thinking!

1. Set up your STEAM mini spark recording page: #36: Draw a 3D Art

2.  Learn how to draw a 3D ladder.

3. Gather you materials. Materials used: cardstock, Grey Bic Marking Pen (any gray marker will work), Black Sharpie Pen, toy car. Take a picture of your materials and add them to your recording sheet.

4. On your recording page, write about what is going to be hard about this art and what is going to be easier, in your opinion.

5. Using the video as a guide, make the ladder.

6.  Recreate the optical illusion of  cars driving under the ladder. Capture your work with your ipad camera.

7. Create this image as well.

8. Capture your work with your ipad camera.

9. Share your STEAM mini spark recording page and your two art pieces. with your teacher/EY coordinator.

Image from Artist Howard Lee.
Image from Artist Howard Lee.
Image from Artist Howard Lee.




#75 Make Anything into Math

You know, you can think of almost anything as a math problem!

Spark your math thinking!

1. Set up your math mini spark recording page: #75 Make Anything into Math

2. Check out this video
~Ms. Fibonacci from Math Curse

3. Take a snapshot of anything that reminds you of a math concept/problem.

4. Create a pic collage or another visual of your choice with your picture and a math problem goes along it. Create an answer key as well.

5. Share your math mini spark recording page with your teacher/EY coordinator.

20-21: Weekly Challenge #2-Kitchen Challenge

What’s Cooking?

This week’s EY Weekly Challenge has you cooking up something in the kitchen!

For this Weekly Challenge, please choose one of the following options:

  • Ask a grandparent, relative, parent(s), etc. for a family recipe.  Is it something you always have at a holiday gathering?  Something only prepared on a special occasion? Submit a family recipe along with an explanation of its significance to you/your family.
  • Make something in the kitchen and take a picture/video of the process and/or final product.  Make sure your creation has a name and that you provide the ingredients necessary to make your recipe.  Make sure to get an adult’s approval first before you start.

Google Form Link:

Image Source: